Today's Topics:
(no subject)
GIS and recycling information
Looking for companies with recycling products and services.
Multi-Lingual Recycling text
request for info
signing on and off greenyes
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Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 16:36:53 -0800
From: "Tedd Ward, M.S." <>
Subject: (no subject)
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 10:10:17 -0600
From: Bill Carter <>
Subject: GIS and recycling information
Yoel Guttmann asked, "Are you aware of any recycling councils (or
other information clearing houses) which are using GIS systems for
material exchange and general recycling information?"
The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), in
cooperation with Southwest Texas State University (SWTSU), is building
an interactive web site that will offer information about recycling markets
and activities in Texas using GIS. This web site is part of a TNRCC
project, titled "Recycling Markets Information System" (RMIS), which is
largely funded by USEPA.
TNRCC has 3 primary databases that will make up most of the information
available through this site:
1. Annual survey data from Texas cities and counties indicating which
materials they collect and related info
2. Annual "Recycle Texas" survey of all known recycling facilities
indicating what materials they accept and related info
3. A one-time survey of Texas manufacturers indicating which ones
said they used recycled materials in manufacturing or were actively
pursuing such use.
SWTSU is geo-coding the cities, counties, recycling facilities, and
manufacturers represented in these databases and is building the links
between this map data and the survey data.
People accessing the website will be initially screened and directed to
one of 4 search options:
1. People looking for the closest place to bring small amounts of
recyclable materials will be directed to look under the proper headings in
their local yellow pages, and given access to our city & county recycling
contacts list.
2. People looking for a market for quantities of recyclable materials will
be taken to a page where they can query the recycling facilities/markets
3. People looking for someone with materials to recycle will be taken to a
page where they can query both the markets database and the
city/county databases
4. People doing broader "market research" will be linked to a page
where they can query several databases by specifying a geographic
entity, a material, or a "business component" (recycling collector,
processor, broker, or end-user, or city or county).
The exact structure of this GIS website has not been finalized, but for
those interested I could offer a little more detail about the query logic we
plan for the website and about the scope of the RMIS project.
All the best,
Bill Carter, Program Specialist
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
Recycling Section, Office of Pollution Prevention & Recycling
MC114 P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 USA
(512) 239-6771
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:37:41 EST
From: RickHlavka <>
Subject: Looking for companies with recycling products and services.
Now is the time to think about exhibiting or attending the 18th Annual
Conference and Trade Show for the Washington State Recycling Association
(WSRA). If you have a product or service related to the recycling industry,
this would be the year to come to Washington State. Conference planners are
going all out this year to make sure that vendors have the opportunity to show
off their equipment, products or services to conference attendees.
This is the premier recycling event for Washington State. It will be attended
by key people from local government and private companies such as haulers,
processors, end-markets and generators.
The exhibit hall will be indoors in a spacious and newly-remodeled area
central to other conference activities. The trade show will be open primarily
on Tuesday, but with additional special activities planned on Monday and
Tuesday to maximize exposure for the exhibitors. Plans include:
- lunch with the vendors; a special luncheon on Monday will allow
exhibitors to introduce their products or services and answer any questions
from conference attendees. Lunch on Tuesday will be in the exhibit hall to
promote circulation.
- a grand opening/reception; on Monday evening, a reception in the exhibit
hall will give vendors and potential customers the opportunity to get to know
each other better.
- circulation in the exhibit hall will be promoted in several ways,
including a "best booth contest". By voting on their favorite booths,
attendees at the conference will become eligible for great prizes. For
vendors, the best booth contest will allow them to be recognized in several
categories, including most educational, most congenial, most creative and best
give-away. Winning exhibitors will be provided with prizes, certificates for
them to display, and follow-up recognition by WSRA.
Other opportunities for exhibiting are possible for those who cannot afford
the expense or time involved in a full exhibit, call and ask for more details.
The conference and trade show this year will be held in Yakima from May 4 - 6.
Yakima is Washington's own wine country, and the fun will begin Sunday night
(May 3) with a barbecue at a local winery. Other activities earlier that day
will include rafting, fishing, hiking and a winery tour. The agenda for the
conference is shaping up to be excellent, with the potential for attendees to
focus on rural recycling, construction and demolition recycling, waste
prevention and other topics.
Call Dot Vali or Michelle Holmes at 206-244-0311 for more details about
exhibiting at or attending the WSRA conference, or e-mail them at Don't miss a great opportunity to show off your product or
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 15:35:02 +0000
From: Charles La Rue <>
Subject: Multi-Lingual Recycling text
Multi-Lingual Recycling Education
In a unique project The Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance
funded the creation of a multi-lingual ESL textbook for use in Adult
Education and HighSchool ESL programs. This textbook teaches English as
a Second Language as well as positive waste management.
We have had great success here in Minnesota by providing free copies
to Adult Education Programs, Literacy ESL programs, K-12 ESL programs
and Volunteer Programs working with newcomers. We printed 7,000 copies
and have orders in hand for over 5,500 textbooks from over 130 different
schools and education programs around the state.
I want to emphasize that this material is being taught by instructors
and volunteers that otherwise would not be teaching environmental
education. It has enlisted hundreds of new instructors and thousands of
new students here in Minnesota in teaching and learning positive waste
management. It also makes the message accessible to people who aren't
able to get it through traditional publicity.
At the present time, I'm looking for people who would be willing to
help find resources to expand the use of this book to other states.
I've included the press release and more inforamtion and the text in PDF
format is available through the web page listed below.
Minnesota Press Release
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 1997
Those of you who were teaching in 1995 when "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" (a
multi-lingual ESL textbook) was released, may have been lucky enough to
have used it. It was the first book of its kind teaching both ESL and
waste reduction, using translations of key vocabulary words into the six
foreign languages most spoken in MN. It has been now been updated and
improved, based on the feedback provided by several hundred students and
instructors. These books are available to your program free of charge.
We ask only that you give us some feedback information, after you have
used them. Each student book has a survey that we want the students to
respond to. If they answer the questions and send their responses back
to the MLC, the first 2000 will receive a free English Dictionary.
The most obvious change is that the languages covered have been expanded
to more accurately reflect the current mix of immigrant and refugee
newcomers. The text is now available in two separate books: Edition A,
which contains vocabulary translations in Hmong, Laotian, Korean,
Cambodian, Vietnamese and Chinese, and Edition B which contains Spanish,
Somali, Russian, Farsi, Bosnian, and Arabic. Both editions have
identical English language exercises, so that you can use them
simultaneously. You can have a Russian student using edition B working
cooperatively with a Vietnamese student using edition A.
As an LEP instructor you know that teaching culture is part of the job.
The new editions have also been expanded to include more information on
the positive results of reducing and recycling waste, as they directly
affect students' lives.
The language activities involve the students in reading, writing and
speaking English and the translated vocabulary with over 100 photos mean
that you can spend time teaching language and content, instead of
explaining words.
The excitement of seeing a little of their native language in an
American book keeps students interested, and they can keep the book as a
reference in their home, when you are done with it in class.
-- Sincerely, CharlesMulti-Cultural Educational Services "We Get the Message to Newcomers" (612) 767-7786 web page
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 13:21:00 -0500 From: Megan Defendis <> Subject: request for info
I am a reporter covering recycling and composting issues with Waste News in Akron and would like to be included in you e-mail list service.
Please let me know if any fees is required.
Thank you,
Megan E. Defendis Waste News (330) 865-6166
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 14:45:24 -0500 From: "Bill Sheehan" <> Subject: signing on and off greenyes
Welcome. No fees. GreenYes is an unmoderated listserve hosted by the GrassRoots Recycling Network and courtesy of the California Resource Recovery Association and the Univ. of California San Diego. Unmoderated means that anyone can send messages at any time.
To sign up, send a message to with the only text in the message area: add greenyes (if you want messages individually), or: add greenyes-digest (if you want messages bundled and delivered just once a day).
Keep the introductory reply message for instructions on how to sign of the listserve.
Send your messages to the same address you sent this message:
Again, welcome and chime in at any time.
--Bill Sheehan
-----Original Message----- From: Megan Defendis <> To: GreenYes <> Date: Friday, January 23, 1998 1:28 PM Subject: request for info
>I am a reporter covering recycling and >composting issues with Waste News in >Akron and would like to be included in >you e-mail list service. > >Please let me know if any fees is >required. > >Thank you, > >Megan E. Defendis >Waste News > >(330) 865-6166
************************ Bill Sheehan Zero Waste Associates 268 Janice Drive Athens GA 30606 Tel & Fax 706-208-1416 ************************
End of GreenYes Digest V98 #19 ******************************