DATE="Wed, 04 Mar 1998 13:17 -0800 (PST)"
Content-transfer-encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
=0D=0AAPPLICATION QUESTIONNAIRE=0D=0A=0D=0APlease provide the followi=
ng information.=0D=0A=0D=0A1.=09State the name of the organization th=
at is proposing on the project.=0D=0A=0D=0A2.=09Provide the name, pho=
ne number, address, fax number (if applicable), and E-mail address (i=
f applicable) of the primary person the City should contact regarding=
this proposal.=0D=0A=0D=0A3.=09List any other organizations or indiv=
iduals who are major partners in this proposal.=0D=0A=0D=0A4.=09Provi=
de a brief description of the organization, the type of activities th=
at it is normally involved in, the reasons for its interest in this p=
roject, and any relevant experience with similar projects.=0D=0A=0D=
=0A5.=09Is your organization proposing to:=0D=0A=09a.=09=09Compost it=
s own food waste; or=0D=0A=09b.=09=09Compost food waste obtained from=
other businesses, institutions, or residences located in San Jose=
=0D=0A=0D=0A6.=09Provide a brief overview of the compost demonstratio=
n project that you are proposing.=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A7.=09List the type=
(s) of food waste that you will be composting. (e.g. produce, meat, =
dairy, bread/grain, etc.) and the types of organizations that you wil=
l be obtaining the food waste from (e.g. grocery stores, restaurants,=
school cafeterias, food processors, your own facility's cafeteria, e=
tc.)=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A8.=09If possible, please provide a list of the =
specific organizations that have agreed to provide you with food wast=
e for this project (e.g. "Joe's Grocery Store, 222 10th St. San Jose"=
).=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A9.=09Do you plan to accept food waste for free? =
Charge to accept it? Pay for it?=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A10.=09How will the=
food waste be transported from the source to the composting site?=
=0D=0A=0D=0A11.=09Approximately how many pounds of San Jose food wast=
e will you compost in the one-year operating phase of this demonstrat=
ion project?=0D=0A=0D=0A12.=09Will you be co-composting any other mat=
erials with the food waste? If so, please list the types of material=
s (e.g. yard trimmings, wood chips, cardboard, paper, etc.) and where=
you will obtain them.=0D=0A=0D=0A13.=09Approximately how many pounds=
of these materials (other than food waste) will you compost in the o=
ne-year operating phase of this demonstration project?=0D=0A=0D=0A14.=
=09How much funding are you requesting from the City for the project?=
(up to $100,000)=0D=0A=0D=0A15.=09What will the City funds be used f=
or?=0D=0A=0D=0A16.=09Describe the composting system that you will use=
for this project. Include equipment manufacturer(s) and model(s) if=
applicable. What is the purchase/construction cost of this system? =
What are the operating costs? What is the capacity of the system (e=
.g. pounds of input per day)? How much time does the system take to =
convert food waste into compost? Will the compost require additional=
composting or curing outside of the in-vessel system once the initia=
l composting phase is complete?=0D=0A=0D=0A17.=09What is your conting=
ency plan in the event that the composting system should fail or brea=
k down?=0D=0A=0D=0A18.=09Describe the site you will be using for the =
project. Give the specific address if possible. Provide a site map =
or diagram. Will the composting containers be located in a building =
or out-of-doors? How much storage space will you have for uncomposte=
d food waste, bulking agents, and finished compost?=0D=0A=0D=0A19.=
=09Itemize the financial and in-kind contributions (e.g. labor, land,=
etc.) that your organization will be bringing to the project.=0D=
=0A=0D=0A20.=09List the proposed uses and types of users for the fini=
shed compost (e.g. "soil amendment for farms" or "landscaping around =
our own site")=0D=0A=0D=0A21.=09If possible, list the specific organi=
zations that have agreed to purchase or accept finished compost from =
the project. (e.g. "Jane's Farm, Hollister").=0D=0A=0D=0A22.=09Do you=
plan to give the finished compost away? Charge users to take it? P=
ay users to take it?=0D=0A=0D=0A23.=09How will the finished compost b=
e transported to the users?=0D=0A=0D=0A24.=09Does your organization i=
ntend to continue composting after the one-year operating phase of th=
e project? What is your organization's future plan for the composing=
site?=0D=0A=0D=0A25.=09Attach any addition information regarding the=
project that you feel would be useful.=0D=0A=0D=0A=
DATE="Fri, 06 Mar 1998 14:13 -0800 (PST)"
Content-transfer-encoding: BASE64
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 18:23:18 +0100
From: WdeBruyn@mail.dma.be (Wim A. de Bruyn)
Subject: How to keep one's integrity with one's income
Hello addressees,
I went to Ukraine to promote a correction of the present theory and
practise of the free market economy : the consumer should be able to deduct
the costs of living with ecological products from taxable income. The
theory underlying this accounting for the lack of impact of the costs of
living on nature is described in the separate mail : "The sense of
development ; an improved version of the free market economy". After
coming back from Ukraine, I continued to present this practise on internet.
No fault has been found. It is inevitable that consumers will manage the
costs of living to keep nature sound enough to assure a livelihood for this
and following generations, i.e., continuously.
I propose that you help me to promote this practise and to introduce it in
reality. I have asked for funds from the European Community programme :
"Growth and Environment", to open ZERO markets. They are described in the
separate mail. The programme contains two billion ECU, more than two
billion US$, for ecological projects. In the UK the funds of this
programme are allocated by Barclays bank. Your company, Carle Gibbons,
could ask for funds to open ZERO markets in the UK.
I know people in Ukraine who deal with a special economic zone. They were
interested to test the management of the costs of living in this zone.
However, they need financial, logistic, organisational and other support to
develop activities in this zone and to manage it as a research project.
Your company, Carle Gibbons, could use your contacts in Ukraine to give
this support. I also know people who could get the national TV of Ukraine
to emit a programme about the management of the costs of living in this
We could introduce the management of the costs of living in the economy of
Ukraine, which is in the process of changing the management of its economy,
anyway. At the same time, we can help the Ukrainian people in their
development by selling their ecological products on ZERO markets in Europe.
In the interview in "Newsweek" of March 9, on the last page : "At risk :
The environment", Lester Brown, the founder of the "Worldwatch Institute",
states : "The two most important things we need to do to create a
sustainable future are to stabilize the population and to stabilize the
climate." To enable consumers to deduct the costs of living with
ecological products from taxable income, is a feasible thing to do, to
achieve sustainable development.
Lester Brown also mentions the threat for the environment of China entering
the free market economy. He does not offer a suggestion to defuse this
threat. China lies on top of the largest highly pollutant coal reserves of
this planet. If the Chinese use them, in the present free market economy,
to catch up with the West, the ecological crisis might become irreversible.
If the Chinese all spend their money only on goods and services that leave
nature unblemished, because they can deduct the costs of these products
from their taxable income, they will take a head start in an ethical and
human development.
Lester Brown finishes the interview with a prediction worth the oracle of
Delphi about what "State of the World 2000" may show. "My guess is that
when we look back, we will be amazed at the amount of change that has taken
place in response to the threats of environmental degradation that are now
undermining our future." We can make his prediction come true.
In the report by the Group of Lisbon : "Limits to competition", it is
stated on the last page in the last point : "c) to identify the means to
implement the four global contracts." To enable consumers to deduct the
costs of living with ecological products from taxable income, is such a
mean because it enables the consumer to sustain development, by keeping
their integrity with their income.
Anyone can verify for him- or herself, if they have read or know of
practises that can be used to motivate the human species to actually change
their way of living and to stay within the natural limits of nature that
assure livelihood for all species. Then you might want to consider to
implement the practise of managing the costs of living as income assuring
and therefore tax deductible costs as an efficient and feasible practise to
live in harmony within nature, now.
I send both mails to the cc. list. so that everyone having followed this
exchange of mail about integrity, can respond to my proposal. If all of
the addressees who are convinced that the integrity of human nature can be
kept only with integrity, respond, then we can launch a human and ethical
development together, successfully. To get started, I suggest to Carle
Gibbons that you invite me to explain my theory and my plans to trace an
optimum way of living to the directors of your company.
With sincerity and its feelings,
Wim A. de Bruyn
ZERO, association of consumers keeping their integrity with their income
45 rue Alfred Giron
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. : **32 (2) 648 56 95
Fax : **32 (2) 648 56 95, when computer is on
e-mail : WdeBruyn@mail.dma.be
ZERO web site : http://freezone.exmachina.net/ZERO
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 13:48:48 -0800 (PST)
From: "David A. Kirkpatrick" <david@kirkworks.com>
Subject: Midwest Recycling Investment Forum to feature 15 ventures
You are invited to attend the upcoming Midwest Recycling Investment Forum on
Monday, March 23 in Omaha, Nebraska. Especially if you make private equity
or flexible debt investments between $25,000 and $5 million in growing
technology, manufacturing and environmental ventures, this event is for you!
The presenting businesses include expanding companies already achieving over
a million dollars in sales, as well as start-up ventures with proprietary
advantages in the marketplace.
In addition to succinct presentations and exhibits by these 15 emerging
companies, our two keynote speakers will offer valuable insights on building
value from an entrepreneurial and investor perspective. Eric Oganesoff, CEO
of GreenStone Industries, will tell how he led this firm to become the
leading manufacturer of cellulose insulation through consolidation of a
fragmented but profitable industry. Eric will discuss the lessons he
learned in conducting an IPO, leading a small public company, and eventually
merging with Louisiana Pacific.
Our second keynote speaker, John Neis, Partner with Venture Investors
Management, will share the secrets of early stage investing in an era when
most venture capitalists are gravitating towards later stage deals. The two
funds which he helps manage have generated returns in the top quartile of
the venture capital industry, partly by focusing on commercialization of
university-developed technologies.
All forum registrants will receive a forum booklet including an exclusive
set of business plan profiles as well as the Investor's Research Guide to
the Recycling Industry and an up-to-date guide to Mergers and Acquisitions
in the Recycling Industry. A list of the presenting and exhibiting
companies to be featured at the forum is as follows:
A'Royal Plastic Plastic lumber and patented roofing shakes
AgWaste Management Organic fertilizers and soil amendments
BFC Gas and Electric Independent gas and electricity generation from biomass
Colorado Building Tech. Lightweight, high insulation concrete building
CompostWorks Food residual collection and quality compost production
FilterPride Heavy equipment filter cleaning and reuse
Firstar Fiber Tissue and toweling paper and scrap paper processing
Full Circle Image Franchise expansion of imaging product remanufacturing
International Polymer Proprietary filler and fireproofing materials
Pinnacle Biotechnologies High solids anaerobic digestion of organic wastes
Recycled Plastic Products Plastic fencing and traffic products
Recycling Sciences Solvent distillation and recovery units
Sunflower Environmental Fluorescent lamp and ballast recycling
Sunset Turf Nursery Turfgrass sod and ground covers via patented process
United Recycling Nylon and fiber products from recovered carpet
The presenting companies are headquartered throughout the Midwest, in Iowa,
Nebraska, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, Kansas, Wyoming and Texas. Where
else can you learn about 15 diverse and promising ventures seeking financing
in one day and have the opportunity to follow up personally with those
entrepreneurs that interest you most? We encourage you to join the other
investors, entrepreneurs and economic developers that will convene in a few
weeks at the Embassy Suites in Omaha. To register, complete and fax the
registration form located at http://reda.ded.state.ne.us/ to Pat Langan at
the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, fax # (402)471-3778. You
can either mail in your registration fee of $150 or bring payment to the
Pat Langan, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, 402-471-3766
Website: http://reda.ded.state.ne.us, Email: langan@ded1.ded.state.ne.us
David Kirkpatrick, KirkWorks, 919-220-8065
Website: http://www.kirkworks.com, Email: david@kirkworks.com
Also upcoming...
Mary Ann Remolador, Northeast Recycling Council, 802-254-3636
Website: http://www.nerc.org, Email: mremolad@sover.net
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 18:22:03 +0100
From: WdeBruyn@mail.dma.be (Wim A. de Bruyn)
Subject: My response to Mr. Zadorsky answer. / THANK YOU
Hello Carle Gibbons,
It is now that you send the following mail addressed to me with a cc. only
to Mr. Zadorsky :
>Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 16:51:50 -0500
>From: Carle Gibbons <eureng@compuserve.com>
>Subject: Re: My response to Mr. Zadorsky answer. / THANK YOU
>Sender: Carle Gibbons <eureng@compuserve.com>
>To: "Wim A. de Bruyn" <WdeBruyn@mail.dma.be>
>Cc: William Zadorsky <ecofond@ecofond.dp.ua>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by bewoner.dma.be id
>In my youth I engaged in adolescent behaviour but you must be aware that
>this must cease in our adult life.
>Your comments may be regarded as being damaging to the business of Eureng
>If I am requested by the directors of my company to account for my actions
>they may dismiss me as a consequence of your unprovoked attack or take
>legal action.
I was surprised that you took the risk of continuing to participate in the
scheme of Mr. Zadorsky, when I read your announcement. - There is not a
hint of academic sessions in the list of trade fairs or exhibition fairs,
as he calls them, which he sent with his answer to my warning. - What
could be considered as a common practise, particularly in Ukraine, White
Russia and Russia, according to one of the people who wrote me, you expect
to be considered as an unacceptable practise for a Western Company.
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 98 13:35:00 PST
From: "Haya Geva" <haya@aipm.co.il>
Subject: subscribe
GreenYes@ucsd.edu subscribe
haya geva
tel: 972 6 6349215
fax: 972 6 6344373
Haya Geva
Tel: 972-6-6349213
Fax: 972-6-6344373
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 18:23:25 +0100
From: WdeBruyn@mail.dma.be (Wim A. de Bruyn)
Subject: The sense of development ; an improved version of the free market
economy /
The sense of development ; an improved version of the free market economy
The goal of development is the goal with which consumers spend their
income. The only goal with which they can spend this income, for the
moment, is : CONSUME! The macro-economic development of this planet is
senseless, without another goal then to consume more and more. To pursue
growth in any direction in a senseless development has led to the
consumer's society with its destruction of nature, loss of values,
"apartheid" in the economy and increasing crime rate, among which
corruption. It sustains crime. To pursue a senseless development is the
efficient cause of the social, economic and ecological crises ; the
socio-econological crisis that plagues this planet.
In order to get out of this crisis, the direction of development has to be
changed into one in line with the limits of nature. This will happen when
the consumers of this planet spend their entire income, all the time, only
on goods and services that do not have a negative impact on nature.
People will be driven by self interest, reinforced by financial interests
to spend their money on such ecological products, when they can deduct the
purchase costs of ecological products from their taxable income. The
consumers will then suck development into an ecological bedding with their
demand. They will trace the borders of this bedding until it meanders
within the limits of nature that assure a livelihood for this and following
generations. They will then be the scouts of society, giving an ethical
and human sense to development with the economic power of each purchase.
They will be the stewards or trustees of human nature, because human nature
can be kept sound only with goods and services from nature. Only consumers
can keep the integrity of human nature as the life producing capital of the
human species, for this and following generations, by their way of living,
nay, by their way of life. To keep the integrity of human nature will be
the goal of development when the costs of living with ecological products
can be deducted from taxable income.
This tax deductibility makes ecological products cheaper to the consumers,
by the amount of income taxes they did not have to pay. Because of this
price reduction, the ecological quality of a product will be a competitive
argument. Research and development to make 100% ecological products, will
therefore become gainful activities for producers who want to maximise
their profits.
The principle of efficiency of the free market economy is the reason why
the free market economy is the most efficient way to run an economy, in
principle. This principle is : the equilibrium between the operating
accounts of the Capital account, the accounts : Costs and Revenues, should
be maintained at the source of revenues. For the moment, producers keep
this equilibrium at the source of revenues from production. However,
production is not the first source of income. The first source of income is
: labour. By deducting the costs of living with ecological products from
their taxable income from labour, the consumers increase the efficiency of
the economy. Economy is the science to share the limited resources of this
planet in order to satisfy unlimited desires in a most efficient way,
continuously. An increased efficiency in the economy means that more
products are made with the available resources of this planet. More
well-being will be created for more people, when the costs of living are
managed to keep the integrity of human nature, because the efficiency of
the economy will be improved, in an ethical way.
A perfect quality or state of nature assures a livelihood for this and
following generations. To keep nature in this perfect condition assures
therefore income. Costs that assure an income can be deducted from this
income, by present law in the countries with a free market economy
legislation. That is why costs of living that are managed to keep nature in
perfect condition can be deducted from taxable income as productive, income
assuring costs. The costs of living with ecological products can be
deducted from the moment the consumer begins to manage these costs, because
assurance assures from the moment assurance begins. A trial process will
have to enter this interpretation of the law into the order established by
the law.
The practise that the labourer has to render fruits of his or her labour to
an authority, unconditionally, has come to an end, when the costs of living
with ecological products are deducted from taxable income. Slavery has then
come to its end. Instead, an harmonious equilibrium between the vital
energy of the human being and the forces of the state, will reveal itself.
Power at the zenith of society should glow again with wisdom, this time
drawn from the research of every human being to keep their integrity with
their income.
It is therefore proposed to open up ZERO markets, to sell products with the
ZERO label. This label indicates for each product the costs of production
with ecological goods and services, as a percentage of the sales price.
The use of this label implies the claim that this percentage should be
deductible from the taxable income of the consumer, as will be proven in a
trial process. Another purpose of the ZERO market is to incoporate the
activities of consumers in a scientific research project. Its purpose
would be to verify the efficiency to keep nature sound by managing the
costs of living as productive, income assuring and therefore tax deductible
costs. This information would be used as back-up information during the
trial process that would follow the first project.
Brussels, 4 February, 1998 W.A. de Bruyn
"At the end of every intellectual journey lies common sense." Author unknown
More information at the ZERO web site : http://freezone.exmachina.net/ZERO
Details of the ZERO market
At the ZERO market ecological products are sold with a percentage label.
It indicates which percentage of the sales price corresponds with the costs
of production with ecological products. It is only this percentage that
can be deducted from taxable income.
This market has to be equipped electronically to register the ecological
list of charges or "cahiers des charges" of the producers. These "cahiers
des charges" have to be incorporated in a data basis for the development of
an ecological industry. The transactions on the market have to be
registered electronically as well. The managers of the market will
administer these data to obtain the information which make it possible to
trace an optimum way of living within nature efficiently.
This market will also be the centre of information about the theory. It
will promote the right to manage the costs of living to keep the integrity
of human nature as the life producing capital of the human species, in
order to be able to survive. It will promote this right as the
responsibility to account for the lack of impact of the costs of living on
Initially the market will be organised and managed as a research project.
One of the objectives of this project will be to verify how efficient the
quality of nature can be maintained with the management of the costs of
living. Another objective is to establish a bookkeeping of the costs of
living as basis to begin a trial process.
Brussels, 5 February 1998 W.A. de Bruyn
With sincerity and its feelings,
Wim A. de Bruyn
ZERO, association of consumers keeping their integrity with their income
45 rue Alfred Giron
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. : **32 (2) 648 56 95
Fax : **32 (2) 648 56 95, when computer is on
e-mail : WdeBruyn@mail.dma.be
ZERO web site : http://freezone.exmachina.net/ZERO
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 12:37:19 EST
From: Medina2525 <Medina2525@aol.com>
Subject: U.S. exports
Hello list members
Does anybody know of studies on U.S. exports of recyclables, by material and
by country? I am interested in finding out what countries are the main buyers
of cardboard, waste paper, metal scrap, an so on, exported from the U.S.
Thank you very much.
Martin Medina
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 18:08:25 -0500
From: Carle Gibbons <eureng@compuserve.com>
Subject: Ukraine - who needs them
Dear all
I am a new person in the field. For those who are unable to talk to me on
VIDEOVISION I am 25 years of age and considered as being attractive. I
mention this as girls are expected to project their sexuality in promoting
themselves and I respond. I have to use this as an introduction because we
business people are instructed to use all that we have to gain attention.
Eureng Limited is a forward looking organisation, but we have a major
problem. The MD insists that we should encourage fair play, and in a
perverse way, so do I.
Living in the awakening of a major concern for the environment, many
companies and individuals are actively involved in trying to resolve
serious environmental issues. The International Ecosymposium, " MODERN
AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS" March 11-12, 1998 aims to bring together those with
like minds and intents, directed towards sustainable development of
practices for a cleaner environment. This is a cry for help and not a
commercial program.
In response to Dr de Bruyn's call, for yet another nail in the coffin for
the Ukraine. I would like to express my brief opinion. People in my country
are no better or worse than those in any other country, although many
foreign visitors experiences in the Ukraine are that Ukrainians are more
hospitable than most. The country operates a different system than the
west, mostly because of previously being State Owned organisations,
including many hotels. This is changing but if we visit the former USSR we
must be prepared for these differences. If you have patience you will be
rewarded as our company has. To go there with a negative attitude will only
lead to dissatisfaction. The following is a brief introduction to the
Ukraine for those who are interested in visiting my country.
Ukraine is the second most populous country of the former USSR with an
estimated population of just over 51 million people (1998). With a total
are 233 000 square miles (604 000 square kilometres) it is the second
largest country in Europe after Russia.
Ukraine is an urbanised society, with more than two-thirds of the
population living in cities and towns. Kiev, the capital, is the largest
city in Ukraine, with an estimated population of 2.7 Million people. Other
large cities include Kharkiv 1.6 million, Dnepropetrovsk 1.2 million,
Donetsk 1 million, Odesa 1.1 million, Lviv 0.8 million, and Mariupol 0.5
Ukraine is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS), which in December 1991 succeeded the USSR.
The Ukrainian economy is dependant on its industries, (estimated gross
domestic product of about $77 billion), industry accounting for more than
one-fourth of total employment. Ukraine's principal industries include iron
and steel, heavy machinery, chemicals, transportation equipment, textiles,
and processed food.
Many of the industries in the Ukraine are based on the republic's vast
mineral resources. Among Ukraine's other mineral resources are manganese,
bauxite, titanium, and salt. The leading sources of energy in the Ukraine
are from coal and nuclear power stations.
Ukraine is however highly dependent on other former Soviet republics for
oil and natural gas, the price of which rose sharply in the early 1990s.
This reliance on foreign sources has also generated an enormous foreign
debt that has both impeded economic growth.
Ukraine attracts investors from European and USA companies, with the
largest investors to date being companies from the United States, which
invested $315 million, totalling about 19.6 percent of the overall
investments since 1991.
German companies invested $165.9 million and about 10 percent of total
The Netherlands invested $160.2 million and about 9.7 percent of total
Britain invested $130.9 million and about 8.2 percent.
Cyprus invested about $116.4 million, about 7 percent of the total
Russia invested $114.2 million, about 6.9 percent of total investment.
Foreign investors were attracted by the Ukraine's farming and food
processing, where $325.3 million has been invested, or 19.6 percent of the
overall investment, since 1991. Agriculture accounts for about one-fourth
of total employment. Ukraine is a major producer and exporter of a wide
variety of agricultural products, including wheat and sugar beets. Other
crops include potatoes, vegetables, fruit, sunflowers, and flax.
The election of Leonid Danylovych Kuchma to the presidency in July 1994
marked a turning point for the Ukraine when Kuchma called for the
privatisation of 8000 state-owned enterprises, agricultural reform, a
reduction in state subsidies, and tax cuts as part of his economic plan.
If anyone is interested in doing business in the Ukraine, or requires any
further information please feel free to ask us, and we will be only too
pleased to help. For UK businesses you will find the Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI), Ukraine Desk, 0171 215 8245, particularly helpful.
They will also provide you with a list of businesses who provide advise to
those wishing to venture into the Ukraine.
I love debates but time is too precious to be involved with personal
problems. Let us talk about your interests regarding constructive ways in
dealing with environmental problems.
We welcome your help and advice to the serious problems of the environment,
and those who have a genuine interest in helping my country, the Ukraine.
Lesya Novosad
Environmental Projects Manager
Eureng Limited
Harwell House
10 South Drive,
Harwell, Didcot
Oxfordshire, OX11 0PT
Tel: ++ (0)1235 861424
e-mail - eureng@compuserve.com
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 03:27:24 -0500
From: "Bill Sheehan" <bill_sheehan@mindspring.com>
Subject: Update on Problems with Landfills
[forwarded from G. Fred Lee]
Bill, I have just completed my latest writings on the problems with todays
landfills and what needs to be done to correct these problems. This report is
an update of my "dry tomb" flawed technology report of 1993. It is available
on my web site
http://members.aol.com/gfredlee/gfl.htm. This report is titled,
Lee, G.F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Assessing the Potential of Minimum Subtitle D
Lined Landfills to Pollute: Alternative Landfilling Approaches," Report G.
Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March (1998).
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 14:34:29 +0000
From: David Stephenson <D.Stephenson@stephensonstrategies.com>
Subject: WASTE: Airport/Airline waste prevention and recycling
s_hammer@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> I'm interested in obtaining some case studies on waste prevention and
> recycling strategies implemented by airlines and at airports around the world.
> Names of contact people at these companies would also be appreciated.
In addition to the aluminum can recycling program that Heather Bell, a
flight attendant, instituted at American (see Joel Makower's E Factor),
Lufthansa did an inspired thing: they substituted a buffet at the gate,
where you served yourself before the flight (oops, spills on the carpet
while boarding??? for the prepackaged snacks (come to think of it, those
snacks taste as if they are made from recycled cardboard, don't they, so
maybe they're environmentally-sound afterall!).
---David Stephenson
our mission: help businesses find profitable inspiration in nature
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*located in the Charles River Watershed Bioregion
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 13:58:05 -0600
From: "John Reindl" <reindl@co.dane.wi.us>
Subject: Web sites on CRT recycling
Dear List members -
Some weeks ago, I had asked for information on web pages with
information on the recycling of computer cathode ray tubes that were
no longer usable. The following is a list of those sites that I was
able to locate through your help.
I hope this is useful to people; please let me know of any
additional sites or any corrections to this list.
I of course cannot certify the services of the firms listed on
various web pages or in various directories. In fact, what I have
found is that many firms that claim to recycle CRTs actually ship
them overseas where they are not trackable or were unwilling to
share details on how the glass is recycled.
John Reindl, Recycling Manager
Dane County, WI
The environmental site of the Microelectronics and
Computer Technology Corporation, with a wealth of
information on computer recycling.
An EPA directory of markets for electronics reuse and
recycling in a somewhat hard to access format.
A site put together by Region 10 of the US EPA, has
good information on local markets for electronics as well
as over a dozen links to other sites.
This site is put together by the Environmental Health
Council of the National Safety Council and includes links
to Electronic Product Recovery and Recycling
throughout the world
EPA's Commonsense Iniative, including a section on
electronics reuse and recycling.
A list of EPA publication titles sorted by publication
number; these publications can then be read on-line.
Included are 530B97001 Electronics Reuse and
Recycling Directory, and 310R95002, Profile of the
Electronics and Computer Industry.
Envirocycle separates the screen from the funnel/neck,
and then recycles the glass back to component
manufacturers, including Corning and Techneglas.
Advanced Recovery of Belleville, NJ has developed a
system to recover CRTs.
This is the CRT page for Recycle Net, which serves as a
market place for recyclers. However, there were no
listings or background information posted at the time
when this site was visited.
Some examples of Swedish art glass objects made from
the screens of CRTs. A site for the fun side of life!
(608)267-1533 - fax
(608)267-8815 - phone
Date: (null)
From: (null)
"Dear Mr. Wim A.De Bruyn,
Thank you very much for your letter. It's really I could not answer your
message to the list. Thank you for help.
And now I have one requirement. The matter is that I deal not only with
"fairs or exhibition fairs" but and with ecological education. I can not
reach more two weeks the European Commission:
DG XII - Science, research and development DG XII-D - Environment and
Climate Programme 200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Fax:+32 (2) 296-3024.
It's possible I have wrong fax and e-mail.
Would you like:
- to inform me about the correct address of EC and DG XII, DG-XII-D, - to
pass them by fax or e-mail the next letter:
(Then follows this letter, which I have left out)
Thank you very much and excuse me if my answer seems you very hard.
Best regards.
William Zadorsky
"Really Professor""
You might imagine that my reaction was : are people who respect immanent
values just pigeons to be plucked by people who do not respect these
No, I do not want to get you dismissed. I think I have done you a favour
by drawing the attention of the public to the practise to which I have been
submitted. Had I not sent my warning, then you might have spread the
reputation you established with me, among a large group of university
professors, at least among these who sent me thank you notes. Your
directors would eventually have learned about this reputation, either via a
loss of business or because someone informed them. Then, you certainly
would have been dismissed, for having damaged their business.
I do not want to harm the business of Eureng. To the contrary You
indicate in your answer to Dr Pyotr Joannevich van de Waal-Palms that you
are willing to improve our relationship. I suggest to go back to square
one, in the separate mail : How to keep one's integrity with one's income.
With sincerity and its feelings,
Wim A. de Bruyn
ZERO, association of consumers keeping their integrity with their income
45 rue Alfred Giron
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. : **32 (2) 648 56 95
Fax : **32 (2) 648 56 95, when computer is on
e-mail : WdeBruyn@mail.dma.be
ZERO web site : http://freezone.exmachina.net/ZERO
End of GreenYes Digest V98 #58