HELP! ZWA needs landfill/incinerator/trash truck/litter video

Zero Waste America (
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 17:32:14 -0500

Folks: ZWA will be issuing a special press release for Earth Day, April 22.
We need any available videos of landfills, incinerators, trash trucks,
and/or litter. OR, if you have the time, please take some video and send it
to us. We are going to do a video, as well, but I'm not overly optimistic
that we will do a very good job. Last year we issued ZWA's flagship article,
"River of Waste." All News Channel (ANC) called and told us that they would
have put it on their national news channel, IF we had a video. Please help
us out. Send your videos to: ZWA, c/o Lynn Landes, 1006 Harvard Drive,
Yardley, PA 19067.

Lynn Landes

Folks: ZWA will be issuing a special press release for Earth Day, April 22. We need any available videos of landfills, incinerators, trash trucks, and/or litter. OR, if you have the time, please take some video and send it to us. We are going to do a video, as well, but I'm not overly optimistic that we will do a very good job. Last year we issued ZWA's flagship article, "River of Waste."  All News Channel (ANC) called and told us that they would have put it on their national news channel, IF we had a video. Please help us out. Send your videos to: ZWA, c/o Lynn Landes, 1006 Harvard Drive, Yardley, PA 19067.
Lynn Landes