Today's Topics:
Disposable Movies!!
GreenYes Digest V98 #135
Invitation for EcoMarket International !
Job Opening
Residential Waste Stream Analysis (by weight & volume) - incl cardboard
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Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 08:43:09 -0500
From: Anne Morse <>
Subject: Disposable Movies!!
David, Robin,
This has the potential to be a fine candidate for the new national
Awards for Wasting project that Resa Domino and I have committed to
pulling together for GRRN. Can you get me a URL for the Examiner, or
perhaps some additional contact information to follow up on? Thanks
Anne Morse
Winona County, MN
ph 507.457-6468
FAX 507.457.6469
>From: Robin Salsburg[]
>Sent: Thursday, June 11, 1998 11:36 AM
>To: 'greenyes@UCSD.Edu'
>Subject: Disposable Movies!!
>> -- A project of the National Waste Prevention Coalition
>> ---------------------------------------
>>From David Assmann, City of San Francisco Solid Waste Management Program:
>Circuit City is reported (San Francisco Examiner, Mon. 6/8/98) to be on the
>verge of introducing disposable single-use video disks (each disk will have
>one movie on it). According to the article, "Circuit City is test-marketing
>Divx, disks movie fans can buy for $4.49 each, view once and then toss
>away....The disks will be sold in San Francisco and Richmond, VA., until the
>fall, when Circuit City plans to launch them nationwide.
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 17:21:20 -0600
From: "Katharine P. Bennett" <>
Subject: GreenYes Digest V98 #135
Circuit City is reported (San Francisco Examiner, Mon. 6/8/98) to be on the
verge of introducing disposable single-use video disks (each disk will have
one movie on it). According to the article, "Circuit City is test-marketing
Divx, disks movie fans can buy for $4.49 each, view once and then toss
away....The disks will be sold in San Francisco and Richmond, VA., until the
fall, when Circuit City plans to launch them nationwide.>>
Sounds like it's time for some citizen letters to Circuit City, folks.
There is an organized group against this form of high-tech waste. Visit on the net. Otherwise, write letters to their
corporate offices. They have an electronnic suggestion box at their web
site: hhttp:// This kind of waste, heaped upon the
consumer at the consumer's expense is out of hand. Oh! for a Green Dot
program! In the words of John Belushi in Animal House, "Let's get 'em!"
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 20:54:25 +0000
Subject: Invitation for EcoMarket International !
Dear madam, sir,
With this e-mail we invite you to visit the completely renewed
EcoMarket International. Visit this European platform on green
products, services and information at:
If you have a website on green products, services or information....
JOIN the EcoMarket by submitting your website ONLINE for free.
Thanks for your attention and our apologies for cross-posting. Please
note: this is a one-time announcement. You will not receive any
further messages apart from unavoidable cross-postings. If you want to
be informed regularly on new developments and participants send an
email with the message "subscribe" to
Han Hegeman
EcoSign Foundation
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 10:33:47 -0400
From: Michele Raymond <>
Subject: Job Opening
Dear Greenyes Folks:
As I move to new offices in College Park MD I will also be looking for a
new part-time assistant to handle circulation management, fulfillment,
customer service, some editing; person must be organized. Requires about
30 hours/week; hourly plus some benefits negotiable; small office;
opportunity to work in recycling and learn electronic layout, publishing.
Will train sharp person. Office is one mile from campus of University of
Maryland. This search is confidential. Please do not fax or mail anything
-- anyone interested may E-mail resume and cover letter with pay
requirements. to: You may check the web site at
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 11:22:38 +0900
From: (Hop)
Subject: Residential Waste Stream Analysis (by weight & volume) - incl cardboard
Many will find the following (comprehensive) residential waste stream
analysis (from Sydney, Australia) a useful reference/resource as it
provides both weight and (corresponding) volume data.
Note: The volume figures are best described as semi-compacted ie. as
delivered to the landfill site from a garbage truck compactor.
Domestic Waste Analysis, Lucas Heights Landfill (Syd, Aust), BHP, October 1991
% by Wt % by Vol
By Material:
Compostables (food, garden) 61.6 33.0
Paper (cardboard, newsprint, misc, magazines) 16.4 27.1
Plastic (film, various bottles) 8.0 26.2
Mixed (textiles, cartons, nappies, rubber, batteries, medical) 5.0 6.1
Metals (ferrous & non-ferrous) 4.0 5.2
Glass (white, brown, green) 5.0 2.4
By Product Type:
Packaging (incl. plastic film; excl. misc paper & batteries) 23.4 43.0
Packaging (further excluding cardboard boxes) 19.9 34.1
Containers (excluding cardboard boxes & batteries) 11.5 18.2
Plastic Film 4.9 15.9
Plastic Bottles 3.1 10.3
Cardboard Boxes 3.5 8.9
Newspapers 6.3 8.2
Misc Paper 4.5 7.9
Textiles (rags etc) 2.0 2.8
Steel Cans and Aerosols 2.3 2.6
Glass Bottles and Jars 5.0 2.4
Magazines 2.1 2.2
Milk/Juice Cartons 0.6 1.6
Disposable Nappies 2.0 1.5
Aluminium Cans 0.5 1.3
Other Steel 1.0 1.0
Other Non-Ferrous 0.2 0.3
Rubber 0.2 0.2
Batteries (Dry Cell) 0.1 0.0
Medical 0.1 0.0
>From: Blair Pollock <>
>Cheri -- We have done two dump and pick studies of the waste stream that
>landed at Orange County NC's landfill (pop ~ 100,000) the cardboard % by
>weight in the waste from the two studies were as follows:
> 1990 1995
>Commercial 20.6% 10.7%
>Residential 9.7% 5.7%
>These declines in OCC are not explained by any particular event. our
>cardboard ban at the landfill began about a year after the 1995 waste sort
>and it doesn't apply to residential OCC anyway.
>>From: "Cheri Kennedy"<>
>>Subject: Industry Standard for Cardboard???
>>Does anyone know if there is an industry standard for the average amount of
>>cardboard produced per person in a business and a residential setting? I
>>need both figures so I can estimate how much cardboard we will have when we
>>begin collecting/recycling it at this Navy Base.
End of GreenYes Digest V98 #136