Today's Topics:
Environmental Engineer (2 msgs)
Environmental Problems
Fwd: Afflueza Alert
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--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 14 Aug 97 10:41:00 (-0400) From: Subject: Environmental Engineer
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=20 =20 Hello Out There, =20 Looking for defination/job description/responsiblities of an=20 Environmental Engineer in construction projects. =20 Thanks all =20 Horace
Date: 14 Aug 97 15:03:00 (-0400) From: Subject: Environmental Engineer
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=20 =20 Hello Out There, =20 Looking for defination/job description/responsiblities of an=20 Environmental Engineer in construction projects. =20 Thanks all =20 Horace
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 97 16:15:06 -0700 From: Subject: Environmental Problems
Hello Everyone, I and two other teens are creating an environmental web site, as I=20 mentioned before. As YOU will be the kind of people visiting it, we want=20 to create it with your interests in mind. If you have a moment, could=20 you please answer these questions? Thanks... One section of our site will discuss a few of the major problems=20 with our environment. For example, one of our ideas was to include=20 population, as it directly affects many other problems. We also will=20 include a section outlining some of the ways in which we can combat these=20 problems. What problems/solutions would you like to see included? What=20 topics do you think we should cover? Please let us know if you have any suggestions, or contributions=20 of info, or know of good sources of info, or anything else. Please reply=20 directly to me (Greg Westin) at . Thank you everyone!
Greg Westin
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 12:38:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Fwd: Afflueza Alert
Thought this might be of interest to folks.
David Hurd Bronx 2000 1809 Carter Avenue Bronx, NY 10457 718-731-3931 (P) 718-583-2047 (F) --------------------- Forwarded message: From: (Betsy Dorn) To:,,,=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Mark Loughmiller), (Bobbi Tousey),,,, recpoly/,,,,,,,,, Date: 97-08-14 02:10:31 EDT
On September 15th, PBS will premiere =93Affluenza=94 a new one-hour special from KCTS/Seattle and Oregon Public Broadcasting that explores the epidemic of shopping, overwork, stress and debt that is infecting Americans in record numbers. Broadcast times for other local stations also may differ.
Hosted by Scott Simon of National Public Radio, "Affluenza" offers a provocative, brisk and sometimes funny look at this modern-day plague. The third co-production of the award-winning team of John de Graaf and Vivia Boe, "Affluenza" uses personal stories, expert commentary, hilarious old film clips, dramatized vignettes, and "uncommercial" breaks to entertain while it illuminates a serious social illness.
"Affluenza" traces the historic roots of the disease, explores the advertising and marketing ploys designed to sustain it and offers concrete advice about how we can find a cure for this depression-causing, purse-pilfering disease.
Those appearing in the documentary include: =20
=B7 Dr. Richard Swenson, Professor of Medicine, University of Wisconsin; = =20 =B7 Paul Wachtel, Chairman, Graduate School of Psychology, City University= of New York, and author of "The Poverty of Affluence"; =20 =B7 Jeremy Rifkin, president, Foundation on Economic Trends;=20 =B7 Michael Jacobson, director, Center for Science in the Public Interest; = =20 =B7 Gerald Celente, president of Trends Research Institute (Celente has identified voluntary simplicity as one of the strongest new trends he has ever tracked);=20 =B7 Juliet B. Schor, Professor of Economics at Harvard University and author of "The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure"; =20 =B7 David Korten, director of the People-Centered Development Forum and author of "When Corporations Rule the World"; =20 =B7 Vicki Robin, director of the New Road Map Foundation and co-author of "Your Money or Your Life: Transforming=20 Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence";=20 =B7 Susan Strasser, author of "Satisfaction Guaranteed: The Making of the American Mass Market"; =20 =B7 Kalle Lasn, director, The Media Foundation, Vancouver, B.C.; =20 =B7 Duane Elgin, author of "Voluntary Simplicity."
A "Help Publicize the Affluenza" web site will be launched August 15, 1997 ( The site will include downloadable publicity materials as well as teachers' and viewers' guides designed to stimulate discussion in classrooms, meeting rooms, and living rooms around the country. The web site will remain up on PBS Online for a minimum of three years. Videotape cassettes are available from BULLFROG FILMS at 800-543-FROG.
The Center for Life in Balance and the show=92s producers need your help for national grassroots outreach to help publicize this documentary. Please consider taking the following steps:
-- Confirm with your local PBS station if and when it will broadcast "Affluenza".
-- Put a notice of the broadcast in newsletters of organizations you belong to. All kinds of newsletters - we want to reach the widest audience possible. Press kits are available. Call KCTS/Seattle: (206) 443-4817.
-- Think of creative ways of your own to get the word out...newsgroups on the internet, postcards or phone calls to your friends, e-mail messages, notices on bulletin boards at work, where you shop, the daycare center, the library....Call KCTS/Seattle for materials, or visit the web site and download an Outreach Guide. =20 -- Have a viewing party the night of the broadcast. Pass out copies of the "Affluenza" viewers' guide (see below), and have a lively discussion after the show on how to fight the Affluenza epidemic.
Help us make the most of this consciousness raising opportunity.
Contacts: =20
Chris DeBoer, KCTS/Seattle: (206) 443-4817, fax (206) 443-6691,
Betsy Dorn, The Center for Life in Balance: (919) 387-9059, fax (919) 387-1102,
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 11:41:32 -0400 (EDT) From: (Michele Raymond) Subject: WRF
RE: World Resource Fourndation
Just a note -- the WRF which publishes the Warmer bulletin is in danger of extinction. They lost their one source of funding as of april 1998 I understand, so they are scrambling to get other income. The Bulletin was free and went out to like 40,000 worldwide. Now they are charging a small sub fee and circulation is down to about 1,000!!
If you like Warmer, better subscribe or it will be lost.
Michele Raymond Recycling Laws International
End of GreenYes Digest V97 #198 ******************************