FW: WASTE: Cleaner Production Workshop

Robin Salsburg (robin@mrwmd.org)
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:56:58 -0500


International Conference on Cleaner Production. Their definition: "Cleaner
Production avoids industrial pollution by carefully considering each process
step in order to minimize or eliminate waste before it is generated." Great
opportunity for GRN to network internationally. Possible to send GRN
members to make presentations (Zero Waste, Design for Disassembly, etc.,
etc., etc.)??? =20

Robin Salsburg

From: Alfonso Manrique[SMTP:almanriq@mafalda.univalle.edu.co]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 1997 11:05 AM
To: waste@cedar.univie.ac.at
Subject: WASTE: Cleaner Production Workshop



On Approach, Methodology and Practice

First Announcement

October 19 - 29, 1997

Departamento de Procesos Qu=EDmicos y Biol=F3gicos
Facultad de Ingenier=EDa - Universidad del Valle
Cali, Colombia

In cooperation with The Infraestructural Hydraulics and Environmental
Engineering Institute ( IHE ) , Delft, The Netherlands and several
national and international agencies


Strengthened environmental regulations are putting pressure on industry
to increase its environmental perfomance. Industry first tried to deal
with pollution by using the natural environment to dilute the impact of
pollutants. Subsequently, it became clear that some action had to be
taken to minimize the impact of pollutants on the environment. This led
to the use of pollution control technology. These methods are expensive
and, often, they are not fully effective.

Cleaner Production avoids industrial pollution by carefully considering
each process step in order to minimize or eliminate waste before it is
generated. Because Cleaner Production is a preventive way to deal with
pollution, it is a better approach to avoiding and minimizing
environmental problems. Avoiding pollution by preventive methods often
solves the problem rather than treating the symptoms. As a consequence
of Cleaner Production, there are often cost savings and better quality

1. To introduce Cleaner Production as a practical approach for achieving
ecologically sustainable industrial development.
2. To become informed about the analytical tools that can be used to
identify Cleaner Production opportunities, such as Life Cycle Analysis
3. To bring together professionals from government, industry and
academia, in order to share information about regulations,
methodologies, and educational practices regarding Cleaner Poduction.
4. To stimulate and enhance communication among professionals with
different backgrounds and responsibilities.

The above objectives are addressed in a workshop focussing on the
approach, methodology and practice of Cleaner Production.

Directed to
* Directors, executive and production managers, and engineers,
who can make decisions at the level of corporate policy,
production methods, work routines, or staff training.
* Environmental and chemical process engineers and consultants =20
wishing to become aware of Cleaner Production techniques and =20
* Government officals involved in stimulating the implementation
of cleaner production measures.
* Academics planning to incorporate cleaner production thinking
and methods into their educational programs.


The workshop will be composed of lectures and hands-on exercises based
on practical problems from industry. The program will consist of
presentations by organizers, international experts, and participants;
self-study of case problems; group discussions; role games; and computer
exercises using state-of-the-art software. Participants will receive a
course hand-out.

The workshop will be conducted in english and spanish. Simultaneous
translation will be provided when needed.


The cost to attend the workshop is about US$ 1000. This price includes
the sessions, materials, lunch and refreshments. It excludes lodging.

Preliminary program

This workshop will be divided into three consecutive parts, each with
its own focus:

* Part 1 - Introduction, approach, tools=20
day 0 - Sunday, October 19 - Arrival in Cali

day 1 - Monday, October 20 - Preparing the minds. Tilling the =20
Registration; opening of the workshop; keynote: global demands =20
for Cleaner Production (CP); a Colombian case; sustainability =20
game; goal, objectives and general information; welcome cocktail.

day 2 - Tuesday, October 21 - What is Cleaner Production all =20
Historical development of CP; aims and objectives of CP;
greening of the industry - industrial metabolism; Cleaner
Production game; case presentations by participants.

day 3 - Wednesday, October 22 - Tools day
Overview of environmental management tools; introduction to
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA); how to do an LCA?; applying
LCA; presentations by participants.

* Part 2 - Self-activity

day 4 - Thursday, October 23 - Preparing the assignments
LCA presentations by group representatives; introduction of
group assignments; defining group assignments; ISO 14000;
presentations by participants.

day 5 - Friday, October 24 - Executing the assignments=20

* Part 3 - Combining theory with practice

day 6 - Saturday, October 25 - Fieldtrip
Visit to a Colombian industry; demonstration of implementation
of Cleaner Production. Presentation of assignments by

day 8 - Monday, October 27 - Labelling the ego's
Ecolabelling in latinoamerican conditions; practical =20
implementability; discussion groups; presentation of assignments =20
by participants.

day 9 - Tuesday, October 28 - Stimuli for a better environment
Political and economical stimuli for Cleaner Production;
critical evaluation of methods; discussion groups; presentation
of assignments by participants.

day 10 - Wednesday, October 29 - Politicians, at last
International policies on Cleaner Production; Colombian
national policy and legistlation on Cleaner Production;
reviewing the workshop; individual plans for future activities;
creation of a networking action group among participants;
support with CP-literature, methods, technologies; closing

Organizing Committee

Marteen Siebel , PhD ( IHE - Delft , The Netherlands)
Guillermo Rodriguez , PhD ( U. del Valle )
Enrique Lopez , PhD ( U. del Valle )
Gustavo Bola=F1os , PhD ( U. del Valle )
Alfonso Manrique , MsC ( U. del Valle )

For more information
please contact:

Thecnical Information
Dr. Gustavo Bola=F1os
Depto. Procesos Qu=EDmicos y Biol=F3gicos
Universidad del Valle
Apartado Aereo 25360
Phone: (57-2) 339 2335
Fax: (57-2) 339 2335
e-mail: cleaprod@mafalda.univalle.edu.co
Administrative Information
Oficina de Educaci=F3n en Ingenier=EDa
Phone: (+572) 3315282
Fax : (+572 ) 3315274
e-mail: oci@mafalda.univalle.edu.co

Return this form before May 15 1997
(Please type or print clearly)

Name ______________________________________________=20
Organization ____________________________________________=20
Business address._____________________________________________=20
Fax ____________________ e mail _________________________=20
City_________________ Country ____________________

* Would you like to present a case study ? Yes _____ No _____
If yes, please describe briefly the topic.
* Are you interested in an accompanying person program? Yes _____ =20
No _____
The following person (s) may also be interested in the workshop.
Name _____________________________________________ Address, Fax or e
Please display or circulate

Apartado A=E9reo 25360
Fax (57 2) 339 2335
Colombia - South America

Ingeniero Alfonso Manrique Vega =20
Depto. Procesos Quimicos y Biologicos
Facultad de Ingenieria - Universidad del Valle
Cali , Colombia . A.A 25360=20
Fax: (+572) 339 2335
e-mail almanriq@mafalda.univalle.edu.co
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