CONF: "Working for a Green Future", London

Green.Info (
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:24:53 -0500


SATURDAY 17th FEBRUARY 1996, 10am - 5pm

"Working for a Green Future" - sustainability, full employment and
the quality of life -

An open conference considering the economic effects of environmental
policies, particularly in job creation and enhancement and the
changing nature of work.

John Monks - Jonathon Porritt - Pauline Green MEP - Joan
Ruddock MP Chris Smith MP - John Edmonds

Additional speakers from: Labour Party, Danish General Workers
Union, Greenpeace, MSF, Friends of the Earth, CWU, Employment Policy
Institute, IPPR, Environment Industries Commission, USDAW, New
Economics Foundation, UNISON, T&GWU

Westminster Central Hall, London (Westminster tube - District and
Circle Lines)

tickets in advance: stlg8 (stlg4 students/unwaged)
tickets on the day: stlg9 (stlg5 students/unwaged)
organisations: stlg20 (stlg10 charitable/voluntary)

Cheques payable to SERA

For information on creche facilities, induction loops for the hard
of hearing and disabled access, please contact the SERA office.
Cafeteria available on the day.


For tickets and further information contact Angela Sinclair at: SERA,
11 Goodwin Street, London, N4 3HQ. 0171 263 7389,
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