RECYCLE digest 246
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:22:49 -0500

RECYCLE Digest 246

Topics covered in this issue include:

1) Grass Roots Recycling Network

Date: June 18,1996

Contact: Neil Seldman (202) 232-4108


Newport Beach, CA: The Grassroots Recycling Network (The Network), a
coalition of environmentalists and recyclers from several major organizations
and businesses, wants the federal government to commit to increased recycling
and waste reduction. Yesterday, EPA official Elliot Laws, announced at the
CRRA (California Resource Recovery Association) Conference, that the federal
government was raising the 25% recycling goal to 35% by 2005. "The Network
applauds this recognition of recent accomplishments, but in a way, it i too
little, too long. Zero waste by 2010 is the more appropriate goal and the
government needs to set a far more aggressive agenda to meet that goal," said
Stephen Suess, Network member.

The Network praised the efforts of the federal government, recyclers,
business, and concerned citizens who helped to create the recycling industry
and reduce waste. "Hundreds of thousands of jobs and new companies have been
formed in the recycling sector", said Neil Seldman, Network member. New
technology, government rules, and regulations, have forced traditional
business to become more efficient, competitive, and profitable. Voluntary
efforts have lead the way in the massive recycling campaign, but the Network
believes that it will not meet the increasing demands of market deficiencies
and environmental protection.

The Network advocates the following changes in federal law and policy:

1. End welfare for "wasting" by eliminating subsidies and tax breaks from
waste disposal facilities as well as industries that use virgin materials,
including timber, petroleum, and mining industries. The Mining Act of 1872
is a particularly appalling example. (Contact Ron Schweitzer at (714)

2. Institute a national program to achieve ZERO WASTE by the year 2010,
through recycling, reuse, and reduction programs, using financial incentives
and government mandate, where necessary. (Contact Rick Anthony at

Prohibit the import and export of waste across US state borders and give
states the right to control or ban out-of-state waste. Strip disposal (i.e.,
waste destined for landfills or incinerators), of its protection under the
Commerce Clause of the US Constitution as a "commodity", by amending the
Interstate Commerce Act. The proposed out-of-state waste legislation does
not provide adequate controls and could lead to more hazardous and toxic
waste flooding into US landfills and incinerators. (Contact Lynn Landes at
(215) 493-1070.)

Use more accurate and appropriate data collection and analysis. The Network
proposes avoiding the use of recycling estimates, in favor of hard numbers
for waste disposal, import, and export data, in order to compute waste
generation and waste disposal results. (Contact Bill Sheehan at

3. Create jobs, not waste, by aggressive economic development and incentive
programs. (Contact Neil Seldman at (202) 232-4108.)


To join or find out more about the Grass Roots Recycling Network and our
future plans, including being a part of this Falls "Jut Say Yes to the
Environment" campaign, and our upcoming "Setting the agenda for the next
millennium" conference, please contact Stephen Suess at