Re: Co-sign letter to US EPA? - Reply by 5PM EST Weds 9/11.

Kathy Evans (70670.3712@CompuServe.COM)
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:15:38 -0500

Hi, David. I'd be honored to cosign the letter to the EPA.

I agree with everything stated in the letter; but on the first reading I was a
bit confused whether we were asking for waste elimination or reduction.
Re-reading the first paragraph makes it clear that reduction is for the near
term with elimination the long-term goal. I think it would be more clear if
the second paragraph of the three on waste elimination was first.

Also, there is a word missing in the first sentence of the second paragraph of
the letter - ...we urge EPA to set a waste elimination ________ (standard?,
example?) that relies...

Whatever you all agree on will be fine with me. I'm glad to see the GRN making
a statement - I'm still hoping we can get these issues included in the election
discussions and news coverage.

Kathy Evans
Recycling Consultant
P.O. Box 125
Canyon, CA 94516-0125

510/631-0270 voice
510/631-0271 fax