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[GreenYes] Plastic Bag Recycling OK'd by Assembly 44-29 (AB 2449, Levine)

Apologies for Cross-Postings - Next step - CA Senate!

>Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 14:38:04 -0700
>From: "David Tam" <daviditam@no.address>
>To: "Northern California Zero Waste Activists via" <daviditam@no.address>
>Subject: Plastic Bag Recycling (AF 2449, Levine) OK'd by Assembly 44-29
>For Immediate Release
>Contact: Alex Traverso, (916) 319-2647
>May 18, 2006
>Assemblymember Lloyd Levine Praises the Assembly Floor Passage of
>Plastic Film Recycling Act
>AB 2449 Would Establish In-store Recycling Programs
>SACRAMENTO - Assemblymember Lloyd Levine (D-Van Nuys) today praised the
>Assembly for passing of AB 2449, a measure that would require stores
>with at least 40,000 square feet in retail space and above to establish
>an in-store recycling program giving consumers an opportunity to recycle
>plastic grocery bags into new plastic bags.
>The bill, which was passed on the strength of a 44-29 vote, also
>requires stores to place a plastic grocery bag recycling bin inside the
>store and make reusable bags available for customers to purchase.
>"Californians use over 19 billion plastic grocery bags each year,
>creating 147,038 tons of unnecessary waste in our landfills,"
>Assemblymember Levine said. "With Californians throwing away over 600
>bags a second, they are creating enough waste to circle the planet over
>250 times per year."
>Each year millions of seabirds, sea turtles, fish, and marine mammals
>become entangled in marine debris or ingest plastics which they have
>mistaken for food. At other times, animals accidentally eat the plastic
>while feeding on natural food.
>According to recent U.S. EPA estimates, marine debris has had a negative
>impact on at least 267 species around the world. The plastic constricts
>animals' movements and can kill marine animals through starvation,
>exhaustion, or infection from deep wounds caused by tightening material.
>The animals may starve to death, as the plastic clogs their intestines
>preventing them from obtaining vital nutrients.
>Toxic substances present in plastics can cause death or reproductive
>failure in fish, shellfish, and wildlife. In April of 2002, a juvenile
>Minke whale was found dead on the shores of France - researchers
>concluded the cause of death was the approximately two pounds of plastic
>packaging and supermarket bags found in its stomach. Unfortunately,
>California is one of the major contributors to the problem.
>Data collected during California's annual Coastal Cleanup and the 1999
>Pilot Litter Study by the Department of Conservation indicates that
>disposable retail bags represent some of the most commonly littered
>items. Plastic bags are easily carried by wind from uncovered trashcans
>and dumpsters, vehicles, and solid waste facilities including landfills.
>In fact, the Los Angeles River Cleanup in April 2004, found that plastic
>film and bags constituted 45 percent of the litter they collected by
>volume. Litter collection for beaches, state highways, cities and
>counties cost the state $303.2 million each year.
>Although volunteer coastal cleanups and public education efforts have
>been very helpful in maintaining California's coastlines clean, more
>needs to be done to reduce the waste. In order to reduce marine debris,
>the amount of waste generated on land must be reduced and disposed of
>properly. Recycling can significantly reduce the amounts of litter
>reaching marine and coastal waters.
>"California retailers are beginning to recognize the problems posed by
>plastic bags and their responsibility in helping to tackle that
>problem," Levine stated. "However, if Californians want to begin to
>really address this problem we need to create a statewide program. AB
>2449 will create the necessary infrastructure to collect and recycle
>bags used thought the state."
>The bill will next be heard in the Senate.
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Bill Magavern
>Date: May 18, 2006 1:11 PM
>Subject: Assembly Floor Passage of Plastic Film Recycling Act
>Sierra Club California supports this bill.

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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