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[greenyes] Curbside Pilot Program Outreach Materials

The City of Las Cruces in New Mexico has recently launched a pilot curbside
recycling project and is planning a promotional and outreach campaign to
complement the program. They are in the works of creating a 6-piece mail
campaign. We are looking for any ideas or design templates for this pilot of
1,000 residents outreach campaign that you are willing to share or know of
on the Internet. The direct contact for this info is Jeff Steinborn at City
of Las Cruces: jeff@no.address <mailto:jeff@no.address> or contact him at
505-635-5615. I?ll happily pass along any response as well.
Thanks so much,
English Bird,
NM Recycling Coalition

-----Original Message-----
From: Aluotto, Jeff [mailto:Jeff.Aluotto@no.address]
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:16 AM
To: 'greenyes@no.address'
Subject: [greenyes] Commercial Food Waste

Hello everyone,

We are preparing to do some market research on commercial food generation in
our region (specifically pre-consumer) and are currently putting together
the survey with which to perform that research. Has anyone developed a
survey specifically geared toward potential generators of commercial food
waste? (e.g. wholesalers, institutions, groceries, etc.) We'll be asking
these entities for information concerning types of materials generated,
current management practices, quantities generated, etc. I'd really like to
see what others have done before we finalize and implement ours. Just to be
clear, I'm looking for examples of surveys - not necessarily the results of
those surveys.

Thanks for the help!


Jeffrey W. Aluotto
Hamilton County Solid Waste District
250 William Howard Taft
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Tel: 513-946-7719
Fax: 513-946-7779

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