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Hi Michael and GreenYes, I don't know about NYC, but here in New Haven, I see many residential blue recycling bins only half full and I know these people MUST be using more recyclable containers than what would only half-way fill one of those bins, in a WEEK. I think part of the problem is we as a society are not really educated in what is or is not recylable AND we are tending to eat less and less at home. Many things can easily be disassembled and the parts then recycled. I don't believe most people in US know this or do this. I know there have been recycling education programs in schools but the way kids learn (& I have one) is you can "preach" to them all day long at "school" but if their parents or guardians at home don't do those things AND believe in doing them, then the kids don't understand why to do them AND do not see their role models doing that either. I don't have a sure fire solution but everything we all do helps. Peace, Debra Debra Lombard LEEDtm Accredited Professional Lighting & Sustainable Design The RETEC Group 900 Chapel St., 2nd Fl - Box 9 New Haven, CT 06510 Tel: 203-776-2358 x 237 Fax: 203-773-3657 www.retec.com dlombard@no.address |
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