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RE: [greenyes] promoting good environmental practice on a shoestr ing budget

I think Debbie has gotten some great suggestions in response to her
request. I wonder, though, about Tom's suggestion below. I know that
storm drain stenciling is quite popular --the LA Regional Water Quality
Control Board requires us to do it, and it's one of the primary things
they check for with regards to our NPDES permit compliance. Are there
studies that show that it is effective? While awareness of the direct
connection between the storm drain system and your local water body is a
critical first step, does increased awareness result in decreased
pollution entering the storm drains? I'm not singling out Tom with these
questions, just using his post as a launching pad. I'm also not trying to
denigrate stenciling, I'm just curious.

Sharon Gates
Recycling Specialist
City of Long Beach, California

Tom Rhodes <tom.rhodes@no.address>
03/18/2004 05:05 AM

To: 'Deborah Rubin Fields' <write_debbie@no.address>, greenyes@no.address
Subject: RE: [greenyes] promoting good environmental practice on a shoestr ing

Hi Debbie,

One worthy project would be storm drain stenciling. The stencils can be
affordably and the paint isn't too expensive. Gather a group of volunteers
and stencil storm drains to read, "No Dumping, Flows To River" (Creek,
Stream, or whatever is appropriate). Check out some of these links:

Best wishes,
Tom Rhodes
Waste Reduction Specialist
NC Division of Pollution Prevention & Environmental Assistance

-----Original Message-----
From: Deborah Rubin Fields [mailto:write_debbie@no.address]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:23 AM
To: greenyes@no.address
Subject: [greenyes] promoting good environmental practice on a
shoestring budget

March 18, 2004

Dear Friends-
I am asking you to indulge me in answering the following question:
If you were offered a very tiny municipal grant, what community
environmental project(s) would you put into practice that would be of the

greatest short term and long term value?

Background to question:
My financially strapped city is offering neighborhood councils a very
amount of money to initiate an unspecified community project. As a
neighborhood volunteer, I personally do not want to see the money spent on

just painting park benches (something that our taxes should cover anyway).
In our community, we have limited recycling. That is to say, we have PET
1/2 liter plastic bottle recycling and paper recycling only. Soon we will

be starting an experimental neighborhood composting project (from another
municipal grant). In addition, by federal law, people can redeem
(redemption labelled) cans, glass and 1/2 liter PET bottles at the
Without nearby recycling centers, the city picks up the vast majority of
household waste and hauls it to a municipal landfill.
Given that background, what practical project would you propose?
Regretfully, I have to come up with suggestions by Tuesday, March 23rd.
I thank all of you for your consideration and look forward to hearing from

Debbie Rubin Fields

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