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Re: [greenyes] Involving Beverage Vendors

For a long, long time Pepsi had the contract with all the schools in our
area (approximately 200 schools). When Nagle beverage (Pepsi
distributor) was approached to do more to help the schools recycle,
their comment was that they had purchased one recycling bin for each of
the schools and that was the extent of their interest. They made it
very clear that they were not interested in providing any funds - not
even in the spirit of ARD or competition - for recycling.

When I probed the Pepsi rep for more information and how they could
consider one bin per school their contribution to the community and to
schools, they got very defensive. I explained that getting bins was
less of a problem than getting the recyclables off the campus and to the
processor. They didn't care - and said as much.

To add insult to injury, now Coke has the school contracts and the
lovely Pepsi-labeled recycle bins are no-where to be found. Coke (Swire
Distributors) is also not interested in helping the schools to recycle.

I say pull the machines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If schools want to
serve sodas, then they should buy can machines, stock them themselves,
keep the change (so-to-speak), and pay for a decent recycling program
with profits.

Good luck,
Megan Kershner
City of Boise, Idaho

>>> David Stitzhal <stitzhal@no.address> 03/17/04
09:57AM >>>

Hello GreenYes'ers,

Does anyone have experience with, or knowledge of, school recycling
programs (elementary through high school) that have successfully
recruited the active participation of beverage vendors like Pepsi and
Coke (or their local bottlers and distributors)?

The Green Schools Program sponsored by the King County (WA) Solid
Waste Division is working with schools to increase bottle and can
recycling. We are hoping to actively engage the beverage contract
holders that provide vending machines and drinks to the schools. The
vendors currently pay a commission to the schools for each beverage
sold. However, they do not currently support or participate in a
recycling collection programs for the bottles and cans.

We are considering a variety of options that could be written in to
future beverage contracts issued by School Districts. These options
range from asking vendors to provide large, bottle-shaped recycling
containers to be placed next to every beverage machine, to requiring
that the vendors actually participate in the collection of the

If you know of any examples of beverage vendors assisting with school
recycling programs for their containers, I would appreciate your
providing me with background and contact information.

Thanks in advance. And I will be more than pleased to share our
findings with anyone who wishes to see what we turn up.


David Stitzhal
Project Manager, Green Schools Program

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