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RE: [greenyes] Re: greenyes Digest 26 Aug 2003 22:39:09 -0000 Issue 130 howdo dropoffs do?
- Subject: RE: [greenyes] Re: greenyes Digest 26 Aug 2003 22:39:09 -0000 Issue 130 howdo dropoffs do?
- From: "Eric Lombardi" <eric@no.address>
- Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 09:33:43 -0600
Hi Blair,
You guys do awesome work, and this program sounds excellent. Can you
share with us the annual costs of running these six sites? As much
economic info as you can share would be very helpful.
Gracias, and see you in Baltimore?
Eric Lombardi
Executive Director
Eco-Cycle, Inc
Boulder, CO
-----Original Message-----
From: Blair Pollock [mailto:bpollock@no.address]
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 4:28 PM
To: greenyes@no.address
Cc: EarthGB@no.address
Subject: [greenyes] Re: greenyes Digest 26 Aug 2003 22:39:09 -0000 Issue
130 howdo dropoffs do?
Hi Gretchen:
Here in Orange County NC we have six staffed 'rural' (ie.outside
corporate limits of our three towns) dropoff sites. They are
tax-supported by all county tax payers. they accept residential MSW,
C&D, clean wood, scrap metal, brush, motor oil, oil filters, batteries
(all types), recyclable paper & containers (source separated). FOur of
the six also have 'salvage sheds/swap shops' whatever you want to call
the 'free exchange' system. Those are well used! Hard to est. tonnage.
Any resident of our County (pop. ~125,000) can use the sites. Most use
is by residents of the unincorporated area, some by urbanites because
certain recycling opportunities like motor oil, filters & batteries are
available only there. There are about 20,000 households in the
unincorporated area and 53, 500 households in the county total incl.
The staffed rural sites just started accepting electronics recently so
we have no data on that (it's not well underway yet)
Data on the six sites includes the following for FY 2002-03
MSW: 10,856 tons per year (also estimated 5,000 customers with curbside
waste collection est. at 38 pounds per week that goes directly to the
Brush (dropped off plus taken to landfill for mulching via the permit
system): 4,439 tpy
Scrap Metal, Tires, White goods (dropped off plus taken to LF for
recycling as above): 888 tpy
Clean Wood (ditto) 49 tpy
Drop off recycling:
The cans and bottles from the six sites:
968 tons of cans and bottles from all 12 sites urban & rural:
554 tons from rural sites (57%) and
414 tons from urban sites (43%)
If you pro-rate the 4,354 tons of paper from dropoff sites the same way:
2,482 tons came from rural dropoff sites.
Plus about 1,200 tons from rural curbside recycling program that serves
50% of rural homes biweekly.
How Do Drop-Offs Do?
974 by: EarthGB@no.address
976 by: "J W Spear, Sr., P.E." <jw@no.address>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 20:38:04 EDT
To: greenyes@no.address, recycle@no.address,
From: EarthGB@no.address
Subject: How Do Drop-Offs Do?
Message-ID: <197.1edbe2ba.2c7c05ec@no.address>
Dear All,
Am interested in hearing from drop-off program operators on how well
drop-offs do in terms of:
1. community participation levels
2. percent of discard stream recovered for reuse, recycling,
composting, and
any other real resource-saving methods (not landfill, alternate daily
[ADC], incineration, or other "conversion" technologies)
3. other measures of program performance, e.g., disposal cost-savings
4. interesting anecdotal information (community size, type of sponsor
organization, staffing, public education, funding, community economic
This is for a study of recycling (in the large sense) options for a
part of San Diego County. The area has 2 small, unstaffed drop-offs
now, & no
data on recovery. Current collection includes only cans, glass &
bottles, & news. Population served is > 5000. One hope is that
findings from other
drop-offs similar to this size MIGHT help with a guesstimate baseline on
participation or recovery.
Of special interest are model drop-off programs in rural areas that have
expanded into resource recovery parks by adding reusables, building
composting, local loop enterprises/jobs, etc. Any and all responses,
including websites, contact names/numbers, & other good info will be
gratefully accepted.
Many thanks,
Gretchen Brewer
(for San Diego County DPW/Recycling)
Earth Circle
PO Box 81985
San Diego, CA 92138-1985
ph 619-298-7626
fax 619-298-7967 (by appt)
Blair Pollock
Solid Waste Programs Manager
(919) 968-2788
fax: (919) 932-2900
PO Box 17177
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-7177
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