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[GreenYes] Re: [Greenyes Digest] V3 #38 Green Power & Advanced Deposit onCRTs in NC
- Subject: [GreenYes] Re: [Greenyes Digest] V3 #38 Green Power & Advanced Deposit onCRTs in NC
- From: "Blair Pollock" <bpollock@co.orange.nc.us>
- Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 13:11:01 -0400
The posting below from Mr. Collins yesterday prompted me to note that North Carolina is now in the throes of considering a 'green energy' program, through approval of its public utilities commission. This program has two basic parts as proposed (this is the simplified version):
A 'subsidy' for green power producers ranging from about 3c/kWh for production of elec. from landfill gas (that would bring the buyback rate over 5 cents, enough for an investor to make money. The other part is a strictly voluntary checkoff for consumers to buy green power at $4/100 kWh (expensive compared to other programs around the country, according to some advocates at the public hearing last night) There was a consideration of applying a surcharge to all consumers at a rate of 19 cents per month (based on 1000 kWh consumption) that was considered politically infeasible. There's also some debate regarding the definition of 'green' power i.e. what is biomass, should we include manure from the giant poulty & hog 'factories' how about gleanings from the forest floor, how about 'green chips' from the slash pine? Thus the debate goes on in NC. This item has been on the public agenda for about two years. If you want to know more: swatson@ncuc. net can tell you more (sam watson)
Further update on NC's Advanced Recycling Fee on Cathode Ray Tubes (coupled with landfill ban) : this one is also in a stakeholder negotiation process. The key opposition: retail merchants, computer mfrs and the electronics trade group lobby. The proponents, enviros & some local govts. Some think the details aren't quite hashed out enough yet to get on board.
Should it be only on CRT's?
Should it be a flat $10 or % of cost of sale?
Should the $$ be available to any local government who takes on a program (regardless of how many do it in one county)
This would be the first Advanced Deposit in the nation, thus it is of considerable interest. IBM has a big facility here & their rep. said recently, "I'm not saying we would leave if the fee passed, but we could leave [NC].
[GreenYes] Dept. of Energy --- biomass fuels & aggressive recycling
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 13:58:20 -0400
From: "Pablo Collins" <collins@csandh.com>
Subject: [GreenYes] Dept. of Energy --- biomass fuels & aggressive recycling
Last week the Department of Energy Released a paper on the Renewable
Fuel Portfolio provisions of the Energy Bill currently in House Senate
conference which concluded that it will be a big boost for biomass. The
report can be found at:
http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/analysispaper/biomass/index.html DOE's
thinking on biomass fuels and recycling may be of interest. =20
"Similarly, while the amount of material that is recycled from municipal
solid waste streams has steadily grown, it is generally recognized that
a significant portion of the municipal solid waste stream is still
landfilled. An aggressive attempt to recycle more of the municipal solid
waste stream might translate into less available biomass for electricity
Is this a subtle plug for waste to energy over recycling?
Pablo Collins
Paper Recycling Coalition
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