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RE: [GreenYes] Promoting the Effectiveness of Recycling
Hello Jan,

In May 2001, the California Department of Conservation - Division of Recycling launched a beverage container recycling outreach campaign aimed at encouraging Californians to recycle. The DOC has made their beverage container outreach campaign available free of charge to California's cities and counties.


The campaign - which utilizes television, print and radio advertisements, as well as billboards and an Internet site ( - is designed to motivate Californians to recycle more.  The television commercials feature recently emptied plastic, glass and aluminum containers longing for a "new life." Television spots featuring a trash-talking can who is reborn as a softball bat and an unloved plastic bottle who is reincarnated as a flotation device for a beautiful lifeguard are perhaps the best known components of the campaign. The radio spots and print ads follow a similar premise.

To view samples of the creative materials, visit:


Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.


Best Regards,


Sequoia Clare


Sequoia Clare


1410 Abbot Kinney, Suite 100

Venice, CA 90291

Ph. (310) 392-4244

Fax (310) 392-2595


 -----Original Message-----
From: JAN C ACETI []
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 4:56 PM
Subject: [GreenYes] Promoting the Effectiveness of Recycling

Is anyone aware of a North American municipality that has carried out a concerted campaign to convey the message to residents that recycling is effective; that it has real environmental benefits and that recyclables are remanufactured into new products -- in short, that recycling makes a difference?
Thank you.
Regards,  Jan
Jan Aceti
The Community-Based Social Marketing
Project of Massachusetts
19 Allen St. #2
Arlington, MA  02474
Ph: 781-646-4593
Fax: 1-914-931-2038

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