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[GreenYes] Comparative recycling and waste collection methods
Last month the new Eureka Recycling report "A Comparative Analysis of
Applied Recycling Collection Methods in Saint Paul" (available at was mentioned on this list.

It is a great document and I wonder if anyone knows of similar recent
studies done in North America, especially if they apply to smaller
communities, but I'll take anything I can get.

I've done a fair amount of looking through the search engine, but
everything I've found applies to either Europe or Australia.

Any leads with web site addresses would be much appreciated.

Michael Jessen
toenail environmental services (Soon to be Zero Waste Services)
5635 Highway 3A
Nelson, BC V1L 6N7 Canada
Office Phone: 250/229-4621
Home Phone: 250/229-5632
Fax: 775/587-9838
E-mail:  (soon to change)
Web:   (soon to change)

"If you're not in favour of Zero Waste, how much waste are you in favour

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