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[GreenYes] Please call NYC Councilmembers
- Subject: [GreenYes] Please call NYC Councilmembers
- From: "Timothy J.W. Logan" <own@nyceja.org>
- Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 16:24:45 -0400
EJ and Waste Activists,
(apologies for cross postings)
The metal/glass/plastic side of the City's recycling program as well as its
waste prevention and composting programs are in grave danger. Mayor
Bloomberg has proposed discontinuing the recycling portion for the next 18
months and threw in the waste prevention and composting cuts to add insult
to injury. At this time, a wide variety of environmental organizations are
suggesting the City Council reinstate $15 million to keep the program alive
for at least 6 more months (if DOS followed all the suggestions of a recent
Waste Prevention Coalition report, this money could stretch even further -
An analysis of councilmembers and their votes suggest that these members are
the most important to call (particularly if you are a constituent).
Tell them, "Recycling matters to me and our City's future and for just $15
million in a $40+ billion dollar budget we can save it, please support
recycling and let Speaker Miller know that's how you feel. In the long-run
recycling (composting and waste prevention) is the only way to go to save
money on waste export."
> Below are the two lists of the Council members and their local office
> contact numbers:
> A List
> Perkins - 212-662-4440
> Serrano - 718-402-6130
> Weprin - 718-465-8202
> Katz - 718-544-8800
> Gennaro - 718-217-4969
> Sanders - 718-527-4356
> Quinn - 212-768-4344
> Moskowitz - 212-818-0580
> Brewer - 212-873-0282
> Jackson - 212-928-1322
> Comrie - 718-776-3700
> Yassky - 718-875-5200
> B List
> Clarke - 718-287-8762
> Recchia - 718-373-9673
> Stewart - 718-951-8177
> Boyland - 718-345-3110
> Monserrate - 718-205-3881
> Reyna - 718-963-3141
> Avella - 718-747-2137
> Sears - 718-803-6373
For those interested, the Waste Prevention Coalition will be holding it's
regular monthly meeting tomarrow, June 11th, 6-8 pm at the offices of
INFORM, 120 Wall St., 16th Floor
Timothy J.W. Logan
Solid Waste Coordinator, NYCEJA
Technical Advisor, OWN
Chair, Waste Prevention Coalition
P.S. Anyone who'd like to show their support for the 600 or more recycling
jobs in the private sector on the chopping block may join a press conference
on the steps of City Hall tomarrow at noon.
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