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[GreenYes] send postcards/emails for Day of Action Against Waste Incineration
- Subject: [GreenYes] send postcards/emails for Day of Action Against Waste Incineration
- From: "Monica Wilson" <mwilson@essential.org>
- Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:17:12 -0700
June 17, 2002 is the first Global Day of Action Against Waste Incineration.
Over 75 communities from 35 countries are preparing to participate. For more
information please see www.no-burn.org
If you are in the U.S., please participate in the day of action by sending
an email or postcard to the U.S. Congress. Let's tell them to prevent waste
incineration from being considered "renewable energy" in the upcoming Energy
--To get postcards to distribute to others, please email
mwilson@essential.org and include the number of postcards you need and your
mailing address. We will mail them to you as soon as possible.
--You can also send an email to the Senators, using/modifying the suggested
message text below (the same text as the postcards).
--Please start mailing the postcards and/or emailing the Senators on June
17, 2002, the Day of Action. However, the message of the cards will be
relevant until a final Energy Bill passes both the House and Senate (not
anticipated until at least late August 2002), so please continue to send
these cards through out the summer!
The United States House of Representatives and Senate will soon be meeting
in conference to reconcile their Energy Bills and come up with a final bill.
Among the issues under consideration will be whether waste incineration will
be classified as a "renewable energy source."
We cannot allow Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incinerators to be considered
renewable energy! This would be a huge boon to the incineration industry,
erasing the tremendous steps taken against incinerators in the last decade
in the U.S. This would also take away from real progress towards clean
renewable energy sources.
Please send an email or postcard to Senator Bingaman (D-NM), the Senator who
sponsored the Senate Energy Bill and is responsible for passing the final
bill in the Senate, urging that waste incineration not be considered a
"renewable energy source."
Additionally, please send an email or postcard to Senator Jeffords (I-VT)
thanking him for opposing waste incineration as renewable energy. (The text
also thanks him for promoting corporate producer responsibility for waste
production with his Beverage Production Responsibility Act of 2002. Please
see www.grrn.org for more information).
THANK YOU for being part of the Global Day of Action Against Waste
Please contact Monica Wilson at mwilson@essential.org or 510-524-4000 x104
with any questions, or visit www.no-burn.org.
To email Senator Bingaman, please visit
Dear Senator Bingaman,
I am writing to voice my opposition to any Energy Bill that includes
incentives for burning garbage, or considers waste incineration as renewable
energy. Taxpayer money should not be used to support burning garbage, which
destroys valuable resources and releases dioxins, heavy metals and other
toxic chemicals. Please include only truly renewable clean energy sources
such as wind and solar power in the final Energy Bill.
Thank you for your support,
To email Senator Jeffords, please visit
Dear Senator Jeffords,
Thank you for working to prevent waste incineration from being considered
"renewable energy" in the 2002 Senate Energy Bill. As you know, waste
incineration destroys valuable resources and releases dioxins, heavy metals
and other toxic chemicals.
Thank you also for your Beverage Producer Responsibility Act. I agree that
getting corporations to take responsibility for their products’ entire
lifecycle is a critical step in phasing out incinerators and landfills.
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