We in India have a programme "One Village, One Computer" in which we feel the local rural development can be achieved through reaching the IT to villages. Each village will have a computer and connectivity. The local youth will be trained and they will feed local data as also take compu-education further local people.
We need donated computers. If you have any suggestion, please write to me. The hardware should be in good working condition and how to ensure that before shipment. We do not want to be a dumping ground for electronic waste which is already happening in this country.
Sharon_Gates@ci.long-beach.ca.us wrote:
According to the MA DEP study: "The vast majority (79%) or respondents report a willingness to pay a small fee to deposit a TV or computer at a designated disposal site" (pg. 49). This only indicates that consumers are willing to pay. I didn't see anything about whether consumers prefer paying at end of life rather than at point of purchase . I would be rather skeptical of retailers' claims that consumers prefer end-of-life fees.
Sharon Gates
Recycling Specialist
City of Long Beach, California
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Cloutier [mailto:chris@e4partners.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 10:49 AM
To: greenyes@grrn.org
Subject: RE: [GreenYes] Computer Recycling responsibilityMost of the survey data that has been done, including the only "general population" survey done by the Mass DEP, the survey work done in Minnesota and at 10 Best Buy collection events around the country indicate a strong willingness, and (depending on which survey data you look at), even a preference, for paying at end-of-life.
There are strong and compelling reasons to have a front-end fee, consumer preference isn't one of them.
Chris Cloutier
e4 partners, inc.
2801 21st Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407
612.278.7141 (f) \ +www.e4partners.com