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RE: [GreenYes] saw dust
Trex uses sawdust and plastic film waste to make its plastic lumber. I know
they are opening production capacity in the West, but I can't remember
where. www.trex.com
Clean sawdust would also be a good additive to a compost pile, wouldn't it?
-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Minstrell [mailto:mgminstr@gw.fis.ncsu.edu]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 7:49 AM
To: multiple recipients of
Subject: Re: [GreenYes] saw dust
If it is untreated, unpainted wood and thus clean sawdust, you may try
local petstores.
It may be a small market, but I used to go to a local lumber yard to get
sawdust for pet cage lining.
Depending on your production, maybe there is an eco-litter producer in
your area, or a plastic/wood lumber maker.
Good luck-
Michelle G. Minstrell
NCSU Recycling/Solid Waste Manager
>>> <OAKPLANTERBOX@cs.com> 04/23/01 04:43AM >>>
What could I use sawdust for? Or where could I take it to be recycled?
now I bag it in 55 gallon trash bags until I figure out what to do with
it. I
screen it before I bag it. Small shop.
The Oakplanterbox.
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