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Vol. 5, No. 14, April 1, 2001
HE MADE THE WRONG DECISION U.S. President George W. Bush said, "I will not let greenhouse gas
reduction harm the economy and jobs of the United States," adding that he, "will
not accept a plan that will harm our economy and hurt American workers ... we're
now in an energy crisis." Unfortunately, Bush is speaking only about the narrow
economies of the oil and coal industries. An oilman himself, George Bush's
economy is only the fossil fuel economy. He is not addressing the whole economy
of the United States. If he were, he would know that economy and the U.S.
insurers are being buffeted by extraordinary weather events related to man-made
greenhouse gas-induced climate change. That this is causing a number of major
disaster relief draws in the billions of dollars to repair United States homes
and industry from each of the extreme weather events. Bush would know that the
U.S. is quickly losing competitive advantage to Europe on the development and
deployment of energy efficient motors and renewable (non-GHG) energy sources.
While Bush protects the old-style fossil fuel economy, he is allowing new
economic gains to slip through his fingers for the tens of thousands of jobs
that are being created in the new greenhouse gas energy reduction economy.
George Bush should disqualify himself from making decisions on the U.S. economy,
because of his conflict of interest. He is blinded by the fact that he is an
oilman and that his Vice President, Dick Cheney, is an oilman. Fourteen of the
25 largest contributors to Bush political campaigns were from the energy
industries. Bush's ability to make proper judgements on the direction of the
U.S. economy is compromised.
It is better that he address the whole economy of the United States. If he
did, he would know that economy and the U.S. insurers are being buffeted by
extraordinary weather events related to man-made greenhouse gas-induced climate
change. He would know that this costing the U.S. government, its municipalities
and industries across the U.S. tens of billions of dollars in damages. A report
by insurers which are members of the United Nations Environment Programme's
(UNEP) Financial Services Initiative, found that global warming will cost the
world US $300 billion a year unless urgent efforts are made to curb
emissions of carbon dioxide and the other gases linked with the "greenhouse
effect". The economic costs will include:
o dam and dyke-building to keep rising
sea-level out of coastal cities and farmlands
o damages to farmlands and crops resulting from weather extremes created by GHG o diminishment of fresh surface and groundwater drinking supplies in dry areas o forest fire fighting costs, including loss of productive timber forests and loss of tourism from burned over areas o reduction of salmon and other coastal fisheries affected by global warming o damage and repair costs to buildings, roads and infrastructure associated with extreme weather (cyclones and tornados) Dr Gerhard Berz, head of Munich Re's Geoscience Research group, said that,
"studies have indicated, disturbingly, that climatic changes could trigger
worldwide losses totalling many hundreds of billions of dollars per year",
adding that, "most countries can expect their losses to range from a few tenths
of a per cent to a few per cent of their gross domestic product (GDP) each year.
See the website of Global Warming Early Warning Signs at .
Focused on protecting the oil industry, George Bush is allowing the U.S. to
stagnate in its development of new technologies for energy efficiency and
renewable energy sources. As a result, the U.S. is losing its competitive
advantage in the development of new businesses and new job creation for both the
domestic and international market. The international market for greenhouse gas
reduction technologies is growing at 20 per cent per annum and is currently
estimated at $285 billion per year. The fastest growth is in energy efficient
motors, solar photovoltaics, and wind power. Unfortunately for the U.S., and
Canada for that matter, is that they have to import windmill motors and windmill
blades primarily from Europe, where the technology is much more advanced.
Bush is contributing directly to economic decline and job loss in the areas of
the New Economy that are floundering now that he has decided that there is no
need to pursue greenhouse gas reduction under Kyoto. To listen to Dr. Michael
Porter, the economist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), new
regulations, new commitments to meeting aggressive targets to better humankind -
- such as meeting the Kyoto GHG reduction target. Without a goal, technology is
not innovated. Eventually, within fours, after Bush, the U.S. will realize the
poor economic decision it has made and will try to catch up with Europe, Japan,
even China and Taiwan, in new greenhouse gas reduction technologies. When it
does, it will be obliged to purchase the new technologies from the other
countries pouring money and job creation into regions outside the U.S.
Ultimately, George Bush will have lost billions in economic development and
ruined the opportunity to create more than 300,000 jobs by the decision he made
to drop Kyoto and support the oil industry. View the U.S. Energy Outlook by the
Department of Energy at .
Normally, a healthy economy is a changing economy. Stagnation does not help
an economy. Nor does the efforts by those few industry sectors to hang onto the
old, in the face of the new, help. The old "Brown Industries" of coal and oil
will continue to play an important role in the economy, but they should not set
the agenda for the whole economy based strictly on their private interests.
Imagine if the typewriter companies were to have controlled the President. Out
of self-interest, they would have blocked the entry of computers and
wordprocessors for decades - - as long as they could hold onto power. How long
will the oil industry hold onto power? It looks like another four years with
George Bush. By then the whole economy of the United States will have been
driven into a corner by the limited-view, poor-judgement of politicians pushed
by the oil lobby. In fact, oil is too valuable to be burned. It is the feed
stock for so many important chemicals, plastics, and solvents, required by
industry. Convention supplies of high-quality sweet crude oil is finite.
Accessible supplies will run out. That is why the United States self-sufficient
in providing its own oil in the 1950's and 1960's, can't supply its own needs
and must import more than 50 per cent of its demand. See the Climate Action
Network website .
The human mind is amazing. It can reason. It can invent. It can solve
almost any complex problem. Polio has been eradicated. Men have been sent
to the moon. Huge skyscrapers are built to pierce the clouds and to withstand
the shakes of an earthquake. Humans are the smartest animal on earth. Or maybe
not. I've always wondered what are the limiting factors that would not allow
humans to use their smarts. I've always wondered why smart and great societies
collapse - - like Rome, Egypt, and the Maya. Now I think I know. We can only be
smart for so long, and then, as a society, we get dumb. Humans can be really
dumb - - stupider than elephants or dolphins. We can see something that is wrong
for us, and we can't fix it. As a small example, take smoking. I know it is bad
for me but I won't quit - - he says. Now George W. Bush and the oil and coal
industry have put on the thinking brakes. They have combined in one powerful
motion to stop logic and to stop human actions based on logic. They are like
lemmings, leading us over the cliff. Many of us stick our heads up out of the
madding crowd and see the impending peril. We try to strike reason into the
minds of the leaders, but the noise is too loud up front - - the commotion for
new oil and coal to burn is too tempting for the leaders to stop and listen. A
new direction away from the precipice is not taken. Rational human thought is
lost to the lobby of the intrenched. For the first time, I have a sinking
feeling that we humans have reached our limit. We have lost rational thought. Or
at least, we have lost the ability to turn rational thought into tough action -
- the kind that will save the economy and improve society. George Bush embodies
the human limit. The most powerful man in the world, cannot, or more accurately,
will not, use his logic to make the right decision. And he is supported by those
who have much personal income to lose if the United States decides switch tracks
and tackle global warming. It is bad decisions like this that has led people to
revolt. Take Vietnam, for example. The war was a bad decision. It didn't stop
communism. It didn't unify a happy and willing country. It was perpetrated based
on a fake boat attack at the "Gulf of Tonkin" described by the generals who had
a vested interest in "let their be war." But it resulted in a mass revulsion to
the wrong decisions made by our leaders. The same thing will happen with climate
change. Expect Europe and the citizens of the United States to revolt against
such poor logic, driven by such obvious biases.
Yes, George Bush is right when he predicts that the oil industry may face
no-growth and job loss during this economic restructuring. But that is
natural in a healthy economy. Change brings about growth in new sectors and
losses in other sectors. Resistance to change and attempts to maintain old ways
brings economic stagnation and eventual job losses. Look at these economic
changes - the mimeograph industry disappeared with the growth of the photocopy
industry. The typewriter industry virtually disappeared with the introduction of
the computer and word processing. The horse-and-carriage industry disappeared in
the early 1900s with the advent of the auto. The fax machine manufacturers are
downsizing with the advent of the internet email attachments. Refillable glass
bottle manufacturers have had to downsize in the face of the growth of the PET
plastic bottle and the canned cola's. Why would it be any different for big
oil? The oil industry will have to restructure, even downsize in the face
of requirements to reduce fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions. Jobs will be
lost, yes. However, those jobs and more will be generated by the new
industries that are growing out of the GHG reduction industry sector. Does the
oil industry have the right to stop this natural economic progression? Probably
not. Imagine if the U.S. Association of Typewriter Manufacturers succeeded
in convincing the President to stop the innovation and production of computers,
just to protect their industry sector. Imagine if the mimeograph manufacturers
successfully lobbied the President to stop the development of the photocopying
industry. Maybe if those industry sectors had the power and money to finance the
President's campaign, he might try and stop the new technologies. But it would
not be for the good of the economy. Nor would it be for the good of the society.
The difference here, is the oil and coal industries are so much larger, and so
much richer, than the typewriter or mimeograph industries. The oil and coal
industries have inordinate political clout. They are not going to let go of
their positions of supreme suppliers of energy easily. They have a duty to their
shareholders and to their executives to fight for the status quo, even if it is
bad for the economy. What is disturbing is that the oil industry has placed
their men (Bush and Cheney) at the head of the largest (economically) and most
powerful country in the world, the United States. The fact is, that the
remaining conventional finite supplies of sweet crude oil is crucial for
feedstock for the modern chemical, plastics and solvents industries. Oil is too
valuable to burn. It should not be viewed as a fuel. Oil will be needed for
the next several generations as a raw material for modern materials. The change
from treating oil as an apparent "unlimited" fuel supply, to a limited and
valuable feedstock will initially cause substantial job dislocation and energy
production shift. The change is worth it. If President Bush and Vice President
Cheney succeed in blocking the change, they will cause irreparable harm to the
use economy.
IT IS A MEMBER OF THE "JUICE CANS" NATIONS While George Bush flat out admitted that the U.S. will not meet the Kyoto
Protocol, Canada's Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, has not said a word. However,
he too, knows that Canada, will not meet its commitment to the Kyoto Protocol of
reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 6 per cent from the 1990 year baseline
by the year 2012. In fact, Canada's greenhouse gas emissions have been going up
- - fast, almost 26 per cent since 1990. Canada's carbon dioxide emission are
expected go up even faster as it uses massive amounts of energy to extract
low-grade oil from the Alberta tar sands. Ever since Canada handed off
environmental protection to the provinces with the ill-fated "Harmonization
Agreement" in January 29, 1998, heavy energy producers like Alberta, and heavy
energy users like Ontario, have warned the Canadian government to lay off Kyoto.
The provinces have no intention of meeting Kyoto. And the federal government has
no power to force them to comply. Canada has been a member of the "Juice Cans"
nations, which stands for Japan, the U.S., Canada, and Australia (named after -
J US Can Aus - Juice Cans). This negotiation group over the past six years has
been trying to go slow on Kyoto and attempts to actually reduce the use of oil,
coal, and natural gas, and the concomitant reduction of carbon dioxide
emissions. While Europe and the island nations have been pushing hard to reduce
GHG emissions, the Juice Cans nations have been pushing in the opposite
direction. The latest ploy by Canada, the U.S. and Australia is to equate tree
planting and the absorption of CO2 in the tree farms to reducing actual CO2
emissions from their power plants. While Europe said okay, Europe wanted to
ensure that a percentage of the CO2 reduction was actually from cutting the use
of fossil fuels. What Europe didn't want to see was a wholesale push to plant
trees as carbon sinks and then have the offending nations such as the U.S. and
Canada, increase their CO2 production. As a result of Canada's position on this
matter, you will not see it being too hard on George W. Bush. And you will see
Canada hiding behind the U.S. skirts, saying that it can't get out ahead of the
U.S. position. This is a far cry from the old days, when in 1983, under then
Environment Minister, Charles Caccia, Canada got way out ahead of the U.S. on
acid gas emissions reductions, when it called for a unilateral cut of sulphur
dioxide emissions of 33 percent. You will see that David Anderson, Canada's
current Environment Minister, even though he wants to move strongly on climate
change, will have his hands tied by Ottawa and the provinces. Visit Canada's
climate change website .
WILL RESORT TO NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY The U.S. has been, and continues to be, the world's largest emitter of
greenhouse gases. As these gases reach the atmosphere and swirl around the
globe, the impacts begin to take effect worldwide. The latest is Pakistan. Now
in a three-year drought, Pakistan running low on water for drinking and
agriculture. The majority of Pakistan's 141.5 million people do not have access
to potable water and freshwater for farming. The drought has exacerbated water
sharing problems with India, and has caused water conflicts with India over the
diversion of water from the Indus River which they jointly share. In a bizarre
and desperate move, Pakistan is considering new and unorthodox ways of using
water. Pakistan is looking into melting glaciers to ease the country's water
shortage. The proposal involves melting part of the glaciers in northern
Pakistan by spraying on charcoal, which raises the temperature of the ice until
it turns into water and runs off. Secondly, Pakistan is involved in a experiment
to use salty water to grow salt-resistant food crops. Under an agreement signed
with the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA), the Pakistan government will
cultivate crops, trees and fodder grass on 5,000 acres of saline and waterlogged
land. The IAEA is conducting an inter-regional Model Project in eight countries,
including Pakistan, to demonstrate that economic use can be made of salt
affected barren land using saline groundwater and salt tolerant plants chosen to
meet local needs. The other countries taking part in the Model Project are
Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Myanmar. The IAEA believes that
by using nuclear techniques, bio-saline agriculture can make productive and
economic use of two wasted resources - saline land and saline groundwater - at a
time of alarming forecasts for the availability of freshwater worldwide.
Integral to the nuclear techniques are neutron moisture gauges. According to the
IAEA, irrigation can be better managed using neutron moisture gauges because
only needed amounts of irrigation are applied and salt accumulation can be
controlled. Under normal conditions, up to 40 percent of water used in
irrigation can be lost to seepage. This has the effect of raising the
groundwater table and bringing salts to the soil by capilliary action.
Evaporation of the water leaves the salt on the surface. Stable and
radioisotopic analysis of groundwater can provide information about the quality
and quantity of its recharge, and the sustainability of its use. Other isotopes
can be used to "label" plants by tracing the pathways of elements such as carbon
and nitrogen, which circulate from the atmosphere to plants to soil and again
into the atmosphere. Source, "Pakistan to Use Nuclear Technology in
Drought Crisis", Environment News Service (ENS), Islamabad, Pakistan, March 30,
2001. See the full story at
Cutler J. Cleveland and Robert K. Kaufmann have written an analysis
entitled, "Why the Bush Oil (Energy) Policy Will Fail." The authors are
Professors in the Center for Energy and Environmental Studies and the Department
of Geography at Boston University. The write that the gap between consumption
and domestic production is more than 50 percent of total oil consumption. And by
2020 the United States will have to import more than 65 percent of its oil from
outside sources. To close the 'oil supply gap' the President will promote
the development of domestic resources of oil and natural gas. It won't work, the
authors say. They state that this policy will collide with the realities of the
state of depletion of the domestic oil resource base in the U.S., and with the
economics of the international oil market, and the ecology of some the planet's
most important ecosystems. The policies will fail to improve U.S. energy
security or reduce OPEC's market control, plus the policy will damage the U.S.
economy and the environment in significant ways. The professors state that, "the
Bush oil policy is built on a foundation of myths about the U.S. energy
situation." Myth #1: Oil from ANWR will reduce our vulnerability to OPEC
decisions. The Administration correctly notes that Area 1002 of the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska lies above the most promising oil
prospect in the nation. But how much oil is there? The amount
recoverable with existing technology is 7.7 billion barrels. The
economically recoverable amount-that recoverable at $20.00 per barrel-is
estimated to be about 3 billion barrels. The technically recoverable oil is the
equivalent of 390 days of supply at our current rates of use; the
economically recoverable oil is just 152 days of supply. To what extent can ANWR
reduce our reliance on oil imports and diminish OPEC's ability to manipulate oil
prices? The Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects world oil
production in 2020 to be 112 million billion barrels per day. If we decide
to develop ANWR today, the EIA projects that by 2020 it could supply 1.4 million
barrels per day. This amounts to about 1 percent of global oil supply. You can
read their full article at the website
Cutler J. Cleveland and Robert K. Kaufmann wrote in their analysis, "Why
the Bush Oil (Energy) Policy Will Fail," about MYTH #2: They state that
"fostering domestic production will be good for the U.S. economy. Isn't it
always better to develop domestic resources of oil and have the economic
benefits accrue to the U.S. rather than to the Saudis? Economics 101
teaches us that trade benefits importing nations when the imported good is less
costly than the domestic alternative. Because domestic oil sources are
more costly to produce than overseas alternatives, tax relief and other
incentives to encourage exploration and development will hurt the economy in the
same way they did 20 years ago when the oil prices shocks produced record rates
of drilling. Between 1973 and 1980, the total footage of wells drilled
increased three fold and the fraction of new capital investment in the US
economy going to the oil industry increased from 2 to 7 percent. What did the
nation get in return? During this same period, US production declined 7 percent
and the oil industry's share of GDP declined from 4 to 2 percent. The gap
between investment and production totalled more than 100 billion dollars from
1975 to 1987. Common sense economics clearly indicates that the huge
diversion of income would have produced greater economic benefits had it been
invested elsewhere in the economy. The reason for the poor performance of the US
oil industry is simple: the domestic oil resource base is depleted to the
point that large investments in drilling cannot generate a commensurate increase
in oil supply. The reason for the mismatch between investment and return on
investment is simple: the domestic oil resource base is depleted to the
extent that large investments in drilling cannot generate a commensurate
increase in oil supply."
They add that, "the Bush energy plan calls for tax relief for an industry
that already receives huge tax subsidies and corporate welfare from the
government. Estimates of current government subsides to the oil industry range
from US$2 billion to $88 billion per year. These studies assess obvious
subsidies such as the percentage depletion allowance for the oil and gas
industry and tax deferrals on enhanced oil recovery. The upper end of this range
include the cost of maintaining a military presence in the Persian Gulf to
insure a secure flow of oil from the Middle East, the cost of maintaining the
Strategic Petroleum Reserve here in the U.S., and environmental
externalities associated with oil production and use. These massive subsidies
distort market signals, producing a misallocation of investment in energy
markets, and they discriminate against renewable energy technologies such as
wind and photovoltaic power. Finally, subsidies corrupt the very market
mechanism that President Bush and Interior Secretary Norton argue should help
guide our energy and environmental policies."
The authors write that, "it should not surprise us that the Bush oil plan
would shower the energy industry in an additional $20 billion dollars of tax
breaks. But in this case what is good for big oil is not good for the
nation. The Bush plan would disturb one of the last great wildernesses on
the planet for a flow of oil that will not significantly reduce our import
dependence, will not tilt the world oil market in favour of U.S. consumers, and
in the process actually will harm the economy." You can read their full article
at the website
On March 20, 2001, Environmental Protection Agency administrator Christie
Whitman announced that the George W. Bush administration will withdraw the
revised arsenic standard for drinking water issued by the outgoing Bill Clinton
administration in January 2001. The current U.S. arsenic- in-drinking-water
standard of 50 parts per billion (ppb) was set in 1942, before health officials
knew that arsenic causes cancer. The proposed rule would have lowered the
acceptable arsenic level to 10 ppb, the same international standard
adopted several years ago by the World Health Organization and the European
Union. The National Academy of Sciences has determined that arsenic in water
causes bladder, lung and skin cancer, and may cause kidney and liver cancer,
birth defects and reproductive problems. Drinking water at the current arsenic
standard could easily result in a total cancer risk of one in 100 -- about
10,000 times higher than the risk the EPA would allow for carcinogens in food.
Arsenic also harms the central nervous system and heart. In conjunction with
withdrawing the lower standard, the EPA most likely will be required to provide
an opportunity for public comment but, so far, no comment period has been
announced. We'll let you know soon about sending official comments to the EPA;
in the meantime, however, please fire off a message to Administrator Whitman
expressing your displeasure with her decision. Contact Christie Whitman,
Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW, Washington, DC 20460, ph. 202-564-4700, fax 202-501-1450,
For background information on arsenic in Drinking Water go to the Natural
Resources Defense Council (NRDC) website at
Robert Sussman, a Washington attorney who served a short stint as deputy
EPA administrator under Democrat Carol Browner, said that there are a host of
problems that stem from the implementation of the EPA's New Source Review (NSR)
initiative. The NSR initiative, a component of the federal Clean Air Act,
requires industrial facilities to undergo an emissions permitting review before
adding or modifying certain types of equipment. Though the initiative was
designed to exempt facilities undergoing routine repair and maintenance
activities, critics say it has unfairly forced some companies to pay millions of
dollars in unwarranted environmental compliance costs. The EPA's New Source
Review initiative has forced some power plants to spend millions on new
pollution control measures. Some critics charge that the initiative has been
administered unfairly Sussman said that the NSR initiative, which has tripped up
a handful of companies in the petroleum refining and power manufacturing
industries, raises "serious questions of fair notice and equity." "The companies
involved are agreeing to achieve emissions reductions which go well beyond
current legal requirements, therefore raising the bar very substantially for the
rest of the industry," Sussman said. "There's a legitimate question here whether
massive emissions controls of this type - whatever their environmental benefits
may be - should be pursued ... through enforcement action against individual
companies," There are 40 to 50 other cases "already in the pipeline" where the
EPA "is going to be able to allege the very same violations ... as the
enforcement actions that have already been filed." If the Bush administration
pursues those cases in the courts, it could open the floodgates and exacerbate
an already flawed situation, Sussman said. On the other hand, not litigating
would raise "significant issues of fairness" for the companies that have already
been forced to spend millions of dollars to come into "compliance," Sussman
added. "There are very difficult choices there," Sussman said. "Either way, EPA
faces some very difficult choices." And compounding those choices are the
"volatile politics" and the "high emotion" surrounding the cases that have
already been settled or filed, Sussman said. Environmental advocacy groups,
Sussman said, are "not going to roll over and stand by and allow EPA and the
Justice Department to dismiss cases which have already been filed." Source,
"Enforcement Changes on Tap for Bush's EPA." by Brian Hansen, Environment News
Service (ENS), Washington, D.C., February 13, 2001. See the full story at
ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES PROPOSED BY U.S. LEGISLATORS A business approach to managing the environment that uses terms
"performance-based" and "market-driven" won the backing of two senior
Republicans and a Democrat who help steer natural resources policy. In an
18-page document described as a nonpartisan blueprint for lawmakers, the
Business Roundtable laid out a program for "constructive changes in our
environmental protection system." The group, which comprises chief executives of
large companies, said free trade and environmental flexibility should be
emphasized. The document also recommended that lawmakers help shift regulatory
controls away from the Environmental Protection Agency and toward the states
along with voluntary self-auditing, approaches that have been endorsed by new
EPA Administrator Christie Whitman, New Jersey's former governor. Other goals
include a "better alignment of energy and environmental policies" and an overall
climate of fewer regulations on businesses in order to reduce barriers on
developing new technology. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
Chairman Bob Smith, R-N.H., described the group's approach as serious and
thoughtful. "Our goal is to ensure a clean environment in harmony with a strong
economy," he said. "By embracing innovation in the private sector, coupled with
cooperation and not confrontation, we can achieve the environmental goals we set
forward to accomplish." Industry leaders were represented by Earnest W.
Deavenport Jr., chairman and CEO of Eastman Chemical Co.; Fred Webber, president
of the American Chemistry Council; and American Forest and Paper Association
President Henson Moore. Ben Beach, a spokesman for the Wilderness Society, said
some industries seem to think "the Bush administration is going to get the gravy
train up and running." Source, "Lawmakers Back Business Approach", by John
Heilprin, Associated Press, Washington, D.C., February 8, 2001. See the Business
Roundtable blueprint at the website
For the past three years, the oil and gas industry has been pushing to open
up nearly 370,000 acres of the Bridger-Teton National Forest, in the Greater
Yellowstone Ecosystem, to oil and gas development. However, the Forest Service
has proposed setting aside that land because of its outstanding wildlife and
recreation values. The Bridger-Teton National Forest, bordering Yellowstone
National Park in northwest Wyoming, is world famous for its blue ribbon trout
streams winding through lush valleys, complete with vast herds of elk.
These lands are home to some of the rarest and most vulnerable animals in the
lower 48 states, including grizzly bear, gray wolf, and Canada lynx. In a recent
far-sighted move, the U.S. Forest Service has proposed putting one of the last
unprotected wild places on the Bridger-Teton, covering 370,000 acres, off limits
to oil and gas industrialization. The public overwhelmingly supports this
proposal, known as the "No Lease" alternative in the draft Environmental Impact
Statement (DEIS) for Oil and Gas Development. In fact, 98% of the more than
2,500 comments received during the "scoping" phase of this process supported the
"No Lease" alternative. For the last three years, the oil and gas industry has
been fighting hard to open up those lands, larger than neighboring Grand Teton
National Park, to oil and gas development. Drill rigs, accompanied by a maze of
roads and power lines, already have fractured many of the last best places in
the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Now, emboldened by allies in the new George
W. Bush administration, the oil industry is working harder than ever to reverse
this proposal. The oil and gas industry is putting immense pressure on
Senator Craig Thomas (R-WY) to actively oppose the proposal, a role he has
chosen not to take in the past. For more information contact, Supervisor Kniffy
Hamilton, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Attn: Oil & Gas DEIS, P.O. Box
1888, Jackson, Wyoming 83001, email
. You may also contact, Wyoming Senator Craig Thomas, U.S. Senate, Washington,
D.C. 20510, fax (202) 224-1724, email . Also
see the Bridger-Teton National Forest website at
The European Union's sixth Environmental Action Programme has been issued
by European Commission's Environment Commissioner, Margot Wallstrom. This
issue is the first to include input from Central and Eastern European (CEE)
countries. The Environment Programme is meant to shape EU environmental policy
until 2010, by which time many central and eastern European countries will
likely become members of the EU. The programme, which goes to the European
Parliament for approval, was criticised by environmentalists as not being strong
enough, especially in areas like regulation of toxic chemicals, according to
reports. The sixth Environmental Action Plan is online at the website
CANADA AND THE U.S. FALL BEHIND Canada and the United States avoid the implementation of green taxes and
environmental economic instruments like the plague. Yet the European Commission
has shown strong support for a group of at least eight European Union (EU)
member states harmonising tax levels in an attempt to make their economies more
"green", said EU Environment Commissioner Margot Wallstrom. The Swedish
commissioner said there was strong support within the EU executive for "enhanced
cooperation" - allowing a group of states move to integrate policies faster than
others - on environmental taxes. "As I understand from our discussions...this
has strong support in the Commission and I will continue to examine the
possibilities of doing it," she said, adding supporters of the idea included Tax
Commissioner Fritz Bolkestein. The idea was first suggested by Dutch Finance
Minister Gerrit Zalm 1999 when EU governments failed to reach the unanimity
required to harmonise a raft of energy taxes. The concept of more enhanced
cooperation was enshrined in the Nice Treaty agreed by EU leaders at the end of
last year where the veto on tax measures was retained. The Commissioners is
expected to issue a formal tax policy paper in June 2001. Wallstrom said some
governments that have not been willing to yield their sovereignty over tax
measures would be willing to cooperate on environmental tax harmonisation. "I
think that some of the member states opposed to extending community decisions to
taxes are willing to accept it in the field of environment...because they
understand we will need stronger clearer instruments in order to achieve results
on environmental issues such as climate change," she said. Wallstrom considers
taxation as a crucial tool for persuading industry and consumers to save energy
and adopt less environmentally harmful consumption and production habits. A plan
to harmonise minimum taxes on most energy products, proposed by the Commission
in 1997, has yet to be adopted, despite a majority of governments being in
favour, mostly because of opposition from Spain. Source, Robin Pomeroy, Reuters
News Service. See the full story at
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