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Re: landfill ban alert

March 22, 2001  To All Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agencies (LEAs),  
The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has prepared a discussion
of the management of used cathode ray tubes (CRTs). This information is
available on the California Integrated Waste Management Board’s(CIWMB) Web
site at  
DTSC is currently considering a new regulatory process to deal with these
kinds of materials.   Through this discussion, DTSC clarified information
regarding theprohibition of disposal of waste CRTs in California’s municipal
  However, DTSC will continue to focus enforcement of management
of CRTs on a complaint/response basis and on violations of the hazardous
waste regulations that present immediate and significant risks to public
health or the environment.  

In order for the CIWMB to help LEAs manage this issue we anticipate the
followingactivities over the next few months:            
1.     CIWMB will work with DTSC and other interested parties to help develop
strategies tomanage these materials in accordance with Hazardous Waste
Control Regulations.
2.     CIWMB will coordinate a cross-divisional approach to CRT management,
which will include efforts of Waste Prevention and Markets Development;
Diversion, Planning and Local Assistance; Permitting and Enforcement; and
Special Waste staff.
3.     CIWMBwill enhance the E-Waste web page containing information for
management ofCRTs.
4.     CIWMBwill gather information from LEAs, operators and the public
regarding thedevelopment of infrastructure for safe handling, storage,
transport and therecycling of these materials.
Events for feedback:
Discussions at HHW Conference May 16 -18
Discussions at CRRA Conference July 9 - 11
Discussions at LEA Conference Aug 21-23  

During these early stages in the development of a new regulatory structure
for management of CRTs, CIWMB recommends that LEAs work with solid waste
facility operators to keep CRTs from being disposed inmunicipal solid waste
landfills. There may be businesses that recycle electronic goods that will
accept this electronic equipment or non-profit agencies that will accept
working equipment and direct them to new owners. At a minimum, CRTs should be
removed from the waste stream and placed on an impervious surface for
eventual collection. We request feedback describing what is and is not
working in the field, opinions,comments, and criticisms.  Please direct these
ideas and comments to your Enforcement Advisory Council (EAC)representative.
Should you have questions regarding the information presentedhere, please
contact Janet Munger at (916) 341-6382 or  
Sincerely,   Julie NaumanDeputy DirectorPermitting and Enforcement Division   
cc:  SolidWaste Transfer Station and Landfill Facility Operators    

Richard Anthony Associates
3891 Kendall Street
San Diego CA 92109
858 272 2905 (P)
858 272 3709 (F)

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