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[GRRN] Electronics Research Assistance
- Subject: [GRRN] Electronics Research Assistance
- From: Michele Raymond <michele@raymond.com>
- Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 10:18:11 -0500
Dear Greenyesers:
1. Raymond Communications is developing a new report on electronics
recycling policy worldwide. I could use some help with some interviews with
U.S. governments and electronics makers for the U.S. part of the report.
I am seeking someone who is neutral and can write, and may have some
experience in researching the subject. We can provide excellent exposure in
addition to payment.
2. I am looking for a freelance writer who is fluent in Japanese, and has
some experience in researching information from Japanese ministries.
Knowledge of Mandarin and other Asian countries a plus.
We track recycling policy in the states and 38 countries.
Please email me with your credentials and pay requirements. I am flexible,
though my company is very small.
The Take it Back! Conference will be april 18-19 in Arlington, VA.
Our Key note speaker is Karl-Heinz Florenz, rapporteur on the two main
electronics recycling/material restrictions Directives mow moving through
the EU Parliament. We will also have all the players on the controversial
issue of whether a Canadian group should be licensing the "Green Dot," as
we will have the top managers from Pro Europe, and an assistant Deputy
Minster from Environment Canada..
In addition, we'll have speakers from Australia, U.K., Poland, Austria,
France, Germany, and Belgium -- 11 total international speakers.
Our electronics session will feature the head of a new electronics
collection organization in Belgium and a representative from the European
Battery Recyclers Assn.
This is a rare opportunity to see how the recycling system is working on
other countries, and learn how complex it has become for exporters because
of takeback laws.
On Day 2 there will be a joint luncheon with the EPR2 electronics
recycling conference. We plan to have a very newsworthy address from a
major electronics retailer to be announced.
This is unusual, because retailers have not shown much enthusiasm for
recycling lately.
The government rate is just $420; we have a daily government rate of $220;
includes proceedings book, lunch, etc. We can extend the government rate
to smaller nonprofit educational organizations.
Eric Lombardi has been endorsing the conference a lot this year.
Michele Raymond
Michele Raymond
Recycling Laws International/ State Recycling Laws Update
5111 Berwyn Rd. Ste 115 College Park, MD 20740)
301/345-4237 Fax 345-4768
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