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[GRRN] information on plastic carry bags and cups
An activist in India is looking for information on plastics. If anyone can help
him, can you please email him at
DISHA <> and cc me, too?

DISHA wrote:

> Dear friends,
> We are in need of some information on plastic carry bags and cups as we are
> going to launch a campaign to curb their use in West Bengal, India. Please
> send us information regarding:-
> 1. The chemical composition of plastic carry bags and cups.
> 2. Toxicity of materials used to produce them.
> 3. Pollution in the process of production, during use and in disposal.
> 4. Countries and/or places where their use is restricted or banned.
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Pradip Chatterjee
> for DISHA
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Marcia Carroll
Multinationals Resource Center
P.O. Box 19405, Washington, DC 20036 USA
Tel +1 202.387.8030; Fax +1 202.234.5176

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