[GRRN] rice board cardboard?

From: Brenda Platt (bplatt@ilsr.org)
Date: Tue Jan 04 2000 - 11:29:57 EST

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    A reporter from Newton, Kansas, contacted me about rice board cardboard
    as a contaminant in her town's curbside recycling program. Does anyone
    know anything about this? She wants to do a story on Thursday, so time
    is of the essence if you have any information.

    She wants information that will help residents understand the difference
    between cardboard,
    which IS recyclable and riceboard cardboard, which the local recycling
    facility will not accept because it disintegrates during the process.


    Brenda A. Platt
    Director, Materials Recovery
    Institute for Local Self-Reliance
    2425 18th Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20009
    Ph (202) 232-4108 fax (202) 332-0463
    Web: <http://www.ilsr.org>

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