Re: [GRRN] Conversion rates

Stephen Grealy (
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 14:05:45 -0800

CalRecovery compiled a 22 page booklet on that topic ("Conversion Factors =
for Individual Material Types") for the CIWMB in December 1991. Another =
source is Resource Recycling (November 1991). I can fax you some info if =
you let me know specific material types.

>>> "Brian W. Pugh" <> 12/15 1:36 PM >>>
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to get some good numbers for avg. weights of recycled materials.=

I need to convert material collected in cubic yards (loose) into pounds. =
found a list that gave me avg. numbers for OCC, glass, HDPE, magazines,
paper, and steel cans but I need more than that. Does anybody have a good
list that I could look at? Thanks.

Brian Pugh
Four County Solid Waste

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