The CA Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) has retained the
University of CA, Santa Cruz Extension (UCSC-Ext.) and a team of
consultants to develop 24 case studies and a statewide videoconfernce of
local government success stories and model programs in reuse, recycling and
composting. The videoconference will be held in 10 or more locations
around California in mid to late March, 2000. The consultant team includes
Rick Best (CAW), Brenda Platt & Kelly Lease (ILSR), Gary Liss (GLA), and
Stephen Compass (video producer). The CIWMB wants the project to address
solid waste and recycling issues and programs applicable to both northern
and southern California, urban, rural and agricultural areas, and larger
and smaller cities.
The UCSC-Ext. team would like to get your input on the following:
- What case study topics would you like to see covered?
- Which model programs should be highlighted?
- Who can be contacted to obtain details about the model programs?
- Can you refer us to sites around the state which have satellite
downlinking capabilities and may be able to act as host/receiving sites?
Please email your recommendations to by 11/24/99.