David Biddle
Center for Solid Waste Research
7366 Rural Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19119
Contributing Editor - In Business (www.jgpress.com)
On Saturday, November 13, 1999 4:03 PM, Eric S. Johnson [SMTP:topsoil@indra.com] wrote:
> I called Ft. James, who referred me to the sales rep for my area. She
> thought there was no way they'd discontinue Envision, but also assured
> me they had many other recycled content lines. She also thought it was
> possible they would consolidate the Envision line into fewer products
> (now they have unbleached, bleached, two-ply, one-ply, etc.).
> My take on it all? It being the only TP I'll buy, I'll be most
> disappointed if it's taken off the marked. I made it very clear I
> wasn't interested in seeing post-consumer content reduced in any way in
> any change of the Envision products. I also made it clear that I don't
> buy _unless_ it is high-post-consumer content. In other words, 'Green
> Forest' won't cut it (what misleading labeling!).
> I highly recommend everyone get on the phone to Ft. James. While on the
> phone, ask for the name and # of your area sales rep so that you can
> call them, too. The more polite but direct concern they all hear, the
> less likely they'd ever try to eliminate the product.
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