Can anyone help Dale find a market for 30,000 tons per year of asphalt
roofing shingles? He's in Missouri. Please respond to him directly (and
to the listserve -- others may be interested too) as he's not on the
Brenda A. Platt
Director, Materials Recovery
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
2425 18th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Ph (202) 232-4108 fax (202) 332-0463
Web: <>
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Maybe you can help!
We are a construction and demolition landfill in St. Louis county. We are
currently working with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and St.
Louis County Solid Waste Program to recycle material that comes through our
gate and has been destined to become landfill. Both entities help to support
this Recovery Project with grant money. We know that not many landfills have
taken on the task of pulling material from the waste stream in order to put
it back into the community, but after becoming aware of the hundreds of
thousands of tons buried each year, we have taken this project on.
We are currently running into dead ends as we search for an end product that
may use the 30,000 tons of demolition asphalt roofing shingles that we bury
annually. Please offer us any education or insite or assistance that you may
have. We are determined to make a difference in how our country is able to
adjust to waste management in the future.
Thank you
Dale Behnen
Peerless Landfill 636-225-7000