Aseptic containers including milk cartons are inlcuded in the City of
Fremont's residential curbside program. If the containers are
post-industrial scrap and not post-consumer, I would be interested in
looking in to accepting them at our plant.
Thanks so much.
Myra Nissen
The Sutta Company
1221 Third Street
Oakland, CA 94607
Chandramouli, Saraswati wrote:
> I am looking to talk to individuals who have had experience with commercial
> milk carton recycling or any other ideas for the 4Rs related to the issue.
> Please let me know.
> There are 3 or 4 (Alameda County, CA) manufacturers of milk and beverages
> that generate 2 to 5 tons (empty w/ milk residue) of milk cartons per month
> at the factory. These are contaminated pre-consumer cartons easily
> collectable at source that currently are being disposed off as you-know-what
> and going-to-you-know-where. We have been trying to set a process going to
> get these on a milk run so that its worth the effort of the collector vendor
> in terms of volume. It has been slow going ... while the cartons age and
> mold and are no where near recyclable.
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