Thank you,
Timonie Hood
EPA Region 9
(415) 744-1113
In compliance with the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) is making the
Solid Waste Disposal Criteria available for
public comment. The Criteria were issued
October 9, 1991, and they set standards for
municipal solid waste landfills (MSWLFs).
These standards are codified at 40 CFR Part
Attached is a fact sheet and the
prepublication FR notice, which contains
complete details of this action. The actual
notice of review is contained in the Agency's
most recent Regulatory Agency published
in the Federal Register. This review aims to
improve the Criteria and further reduce
regulatory burdens. EPA welcomes all
suggestions and comments in these areas.
The FR notice and Fact Sheet attached below
are also available at <
Commenters must send an original and
two copies of their comments referencing
docket number F-1999-NLFN-FFFFF to:
RCRA Docket Information Center, Office of
Solid Waste (5305G), U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, 401 M Street,
Washington, DC 20460.t the above address.
For general information, contact the RCRA
Hotline at 1-800-424-9346 or TDD
1-800-553-7672 (hearing impaired).
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485