>What Jesse fails to mention is that PAYT is an incredibly REGRESSIVE tax
>on the poor, who can ill-afford products that are specially packaged in
>recycled-content packaging. One of the great ironies of the recycling
>movement is that political forces that created government prefernec
>programs put aboslutely zero effort into making sure that recycled content
>products get preference when they are cost competitive. Since there is no
>incentive to lower prices of recycled content packaging--why should
>manufacturers give up a profit the government is creating set-asides
>for?--the cost of recycled content material is often more expensive than
>virgin materials
-- >William P. McGowan >UCSB History/Rincon Recycling >805-240-3448/805-658-6526-FAX >kai@umail.ucsb.edu Amy Perlmutter Executive Director Chelsea Center for Recycling and Economic Development University of Massachusetts 180 Second Street Chelsea, MA 02150 617-887-2300/fax 617-887-0399 visit our web site at www.chelseacenter.org