Re: Re[2]: [GRRN] Plastic Container Design

Moore Recycling (
Wed, 6 Oct 99 15:11:07 +0100

Ithink any award like this should be done in conjuction with the
Association of Post-Consumer Plastic Recyclers (APR). They are the group
that ACTUALLY RECYCLES plastic. They have a design for recycle award
already but there is no money attached to it. You can reach them through
their Executive Director Robin Cotchan at or this
years President Bill O'Grady of Talco Plastics.

Patty Moore

>I would like to suggest that waste reduction / recycling advocates
>sponsor a competition, open to anyone, to create a specific packaging
>design (fill in the blanks here) that fulfills the usual criteria that
>commercial packaging must meet and that is also technically and
>economically feasible to recycle, reuse or both. The prize for winning
>is a fancy award, huge public accolades, professional recognition and
>respect and, oh yes, maybe even a monetary sum, say $10,000. This sum
>could be raised by 100 people pledging $100 each. I hereby pledge to
>contribute $100 to a fund set up for awarding this kind of competitive
>prize. Once the prize has been awarded, a new design competition is
>announced, I would contribute another $100 to fund the prize (as I hope
>99 other colleagues would as well) and we start a new competitive cycle.
>If engineering students, for example, will work like possessed devils to
>create a better concrete canoe, why not a better package that could have
>very real commercial value?
>Maybe this would help contribute to the sustainable future we all want.
>Any comments?