Re: [GRRN] producer responsibility

Cindy Shea (
Mon, 04 Oct 1999 09:50:12 -0400

Dear Martin,

A good place to start your search is the October 1998 issue of EPA's WasteWise
Update dedicated to the subject of Extended Product Responsibility. It provides
an overview of current programs and an extensive list of resources. The URL for
a pdf version is EPA promises to
expand its coverage of the topic in the near future.

Cindy Pollock Shea
Contributing Editor
Florida Sustainable Communities Center

martin charter wrote:

> Dear colleagues--i am undertaking research into 'producer responsibility'
> in the electronics, packaging, automotive and battery sectors and looking
> for useful websites covering the following keywords--any help well
> received:
> * 'producer responsibility' (PR)
> * 'extended producer responsibility' (EPR)
> * PR or EPR legislation
> * eco-design
> * 'design for environment'
> * recycling
> * recycling technologies
> * remanufacturing
> * reconditioning
> * reverse logistics
> cheers--martin charter, the centre for sustainable design (
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