RE: Re[2]: [GRRN] Plastic Container Design

Anne Morse (AMorse@NT1.Co.Winona.MN.US)
Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:36:22 -0500

Count us in for $100 also. It's a fantastic idea. I'd like to do this
under GRRN auspices. It would be a wonderful, positive effort that
would continue our exponential growth in effectiveness and credibility.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brown, Rebecca []
>Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 10:05 AM
>To: multiple recipients of
>Subject: Re[2]: [GRRN] Plastic Container Design
>Count me in for $100, too. I'm also willing to work with you, Roger, to get
>this first nation-wide competition going.
>Rebecca Brown
>Waste Reduction/Recycling Coordinator
>City of Woodland
>300 First St.
>Woodland, CA 95826
>fax 530-661-5969
>____________________Reply Separator____________________
>Subject: Re: [GRRN] Plastic Container Design
>Author: "Roger M. Guttentag" <>
>Date: 9/30/99 2:27 PM
>From: Roger M. Guttentag
>Date: Thu, Sep 30, 1999 2:27 PM
>Subject: Re: [GRRN] Plastic Container Design
>To: GreenYes; multiple recipients of; RecycleWorlds
>Dear Peter and GreenYes:
>As usual, Peter's steady contributions to this list are greatly
>appreciated by this subscriber. I found the following comments from his
>latest message posted today most interesting (excerpted below):
><italic>1. Nothing short of a nuclear war or the second coming is going
>dissuade the brand companies from continually pursuing new packaging
>innovations; but also
>2. That does not necessarily need to be bad for recyclers if that
>innovation is channeled into directions that work with instead of against
>These comments stimulated the following thoughts regarding the constant
>tension between product and packaging design evolution and the often
>neglected need to incorporate waste reduction parameters into these
>The waste reduction / recycling community should accept comment #1 as a
>given. Now how do we achieve the goal of comment #2? By taking
>advantage of the following human proclivities (especially in this
>a. Many of us are competitive, even in very peaceful pursuits.
>b. Competitors usually like to win.
>c. The desire to win is often grounded in nothing more than our eagerness
>to show that something is possible and that, by winning, demonstrating
>that one had the necessary wit and perserverence to make the possible
>I would like to suggest that waste reduction / recycling advocates
>sponsor a competition, open to anyone, to create a specific packaging
>design (fill in the blanks here) that fulfills the usual criteria that
>commercial packaging must meet and that is also technically and
>economically feasible to recycle, reuse or both. The prize for winning
>is a fancy award, huge public accolades, professional recognition and
>respect and, oh yes, maybe even a monetary sum, say $10,000. This sum
>could be raised by 100 people pledging $100 each. I hereby pledge to
>contribute $100 to a fund set up for awarding this kind of competitive
>prize. Once the prize has been awarded, a new design competition is
>announced, I would contribute another $100 to fund the prize (as I hope
>99 other colleagues would as well) and we start a new competitive cycle.
>If engineering students, for example, will work like possessed devils to
>create a better concrete canoe, why not a better package that could have
>very real commercial value?
>Maybe this would help contribute to the sustainable future we all want.
>Any comments?
>Roger M. Guttentag
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>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 17:27:17 -0400
>To: "RecycleWorlds" <>,
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>From: "Roger M. Guttentag" <>
>Subject: Re: [GRRN] Plastic Container Design
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