One-year countdown begins today for the Vermillennium--Sept. 16-22,
This major international conference will bring earthworm industry
practitioners together with scientists who study earthworms in their
role as nutrient recyclers and enhancers of soil fertility.
Vermillennium commemorates the 20th anniversary of the pivotal
conference, The Role of Earthworms in the Stabilization of Organic
Residues, held in Kalamazoo, Michigan USA in 1980.
Vermicomposting is the term used for using earthworms to process
organic wastes. When the focus is increased growth and production of
worms, the term vermiculture applies. Twenty years has brought important
developments in research on both vermicomposting and vermiculture on
such topics as
=95 engineered large-scale vermicomposting systems
=95 potential for enhanced production of bedding plants using
=95 production of earthworm protein for animal feed
=95 low-technology systems for turning wastes into nutrient-rich media to
enhance agricultural production and reduce cost and fertilizer inputs
=95 more convenient and efficient domestic-scale vermicomposting units
=95 field applications of vermicompost to increase crop production
Plans for the Vermillennium include two distinct sessions. The first
two days will consist of a training seminar for practitioners involved
in the worm industry. Intensive sessions will cover worm biology,
suitable worm species, relationships between earthworms and associated
organisms, types of systems, management of environment, troubleshooting,
marketing products, business practices. Sessions will be held in an
informal setting at beautiful Kellogg Biological Station which overlooks
Gull Lake at the most colorful time of the year.
Three and one-half days of scientific sessions will present latest
research findings on applications of vermicomposting to solve such
problems as handling manures, crop residues, brewery wastes,
food-processing wastes. Can earthworms be effectively translocated to
enhance soil fertility? Can earthworms be used to remediate toxic
materials? What about contaminants such as pathogens, heavy metals, and
Scientists and worm industry representatives from over a dozen
countries have already expressed interest in the Vermillennium. Put
Sept. 16-22, 2000 on your calender and make plans to come to Kalamazoo
to help create a viable industry based upon scientific foundations and
sound business practices.
Mary Appelhof, for the Vermillennium organizing committee, Dr. Clive
Edwards, Dr. Scott Subler, and Kelly Slocum.
Reach us at: Vermillennium 10332 Shaver Road Kalamazoo, Michigan 49024 US=
To be put on our mailing list for updates as they become available,
please send us the following:
City, State /Province, Postal Code
Limited space is available for the Vermillennium Training Seminar.
Please indicate your interest in the two sessions.
Session I Vermillennium Training Seminar Sept. 16-18. ____
Session II Vermillennium Scientific Session Sept. 18-22. ____
Which best describes your expertise:
Worm grower master composter educator
seller/retailer of worms and products scientist
What topics do you feel we need to address in the Vermillennium?
Specify whether you think your topic should be in the Training Seminar
or in the Scientific Session
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please send by email or FAX to: or 616-327-7009
Mary Appelhof
Author of Worms Eat My Garbage
Co-author:Worms Eat Our Garbage: Classroom Activities for a Better Environme=
Publisher: The Worm Cafe: Vermicomposting of Lunchroom Wastes by Binet Payne=
Coordinator and compiler: Workshop on the Role of Earthworms in the
Stabilization of Organic Residues, 1980
Co-coordinator with Dr. Clive Edwards of the Vermillennium
Visit me at my WEB site:
=46lowerfield Enterprises
10332 Shaver Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49024
616-327-0108 FAX 616-327-7009