I suggest your friend try contacting the Green Communities Association in
Ontario, Canada http://www.ptbo.igs.net/~gca/
They've been doing home audits for the past four years, focusing on energy and
water efficiency, pollution prevention, waste reduction, and consumption
practices. The organization itself is also viewed as a job creation and
training vehicle.
Oregon's Resource Efficiency Tool Kit may also be of interest.
or Jan Whitworth at 1-800-452-4011.
I hope this helps.
-- Cindy Pollock Shea Contributing Editor Florida Sustainable Communities Center http://sustainable.state.fl.us
Amy Perlmutter wrote:
> I have a friend who is thinking about starting a business as a sort of > personal environmental consultant, going into people's homes and consulting > to them about their environmental practices. I know I have heard about > people doing such things in various parts of the country but don't know how > to track it down. Does anyone have any contacts or know of any examples of > similar work? If so, do you know if people are doing it independently or as > part of something else, like a "green" products company, utility company, > etc.? Thanks. > > Amy Perlmutter > Executive Director > Chelsea Center for Recycling and > Economic Development > University of Massachusetts > 180 Second Street > Chelsea, MA 02150 > 617-887-2300/fax 617-887-0399 > visit our web site at www.chelseacenter.org > > ***************************************************** > To post to the greenyes list, send a letter to: > greenyes@earthsystems.org > To unsubscribe, send a message to: > greenyes-request@earthsystems.org with the subject > unsubscribe. If you have any problems, please > write to www@earthsystems.org. > GreenYes is archived on the GrassRoots Recycling > Network web site: http://www.grrn.org > ******************************************************