[GRRN] Student Coke Alert - EarthNet News

Bill Sheehan (zerowaste@grrn.org)
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 23:59:26 -0400

EarthNet News
...a project of the Center for Environmental

September 9, 1999
Welcome back to campus! This week we
highlight the many ways that the Center for
Environmental Citizenship can help your
organizing efforts on campus. Also, protect
green energy options for electricity and
insist that Coke honor its pledge to use
recycled plastic! CEC is seeking interns for
our NEWS program - check out the jobs section
for details.


It's Not a Joke, Coke!

The Coca-Cola Company made a pledge in 1990 to
use recycled plastic bottles in keeping with
their "ongoing commitment to the environment."
Instead, Coke stopped using any recycled
plastic at all in the U.S. in 1995. And now,
Coke is quickly moving away from aluminum and
glass bottles (made with recycled material) to
even more plastic containers. Coke already
uses 25% recycled content in its plastic
bottles in Australia, Sweden, and Switzerland
- so why not in the U.S.? Other companies
like Gatorade and Veryfine juices already use
three-layer recycled plastic bottles, and the
extra cost per bottle is less than a penny.

TAKE ACTION NOW: Coke will make 10 billion
plastic bottles this year, and 2/3 of them
will end up in our landfills or incinerators.
Call Coca-Cola at 800.571.2653 and tell them
to fulfill their 1990 pledge to use recycled
plastic in their bottles. Email CEO Douglas
Ivester at mailto:fctc_cocacola@em.fcnbd.com.
Find sample letters at

FOR MORE INFO: http://www.grrn.org/coca-