[GRRN] avg recycled content of newsprint -Reply

Bill Carter (WCARTER@tnrcc.state.tx.us)
Wed, 04 Aug 1999 13:11:11 -0500


In case this is of interest, the state of Texas has surveyed Texas
newspaper publishers and printers since 1993 to track progress toward
the state's newsprint recycled content goals. This is a voluntary
reporting system, but the responses have represented 280 to 295
newspapers each year. (We always check to be sure we get numbers
for at least the top ten newspapers in terms of circulation). For the last 3
years, the "weighted average" recycled content of all newsprint used by
the newspapers reporting to us was 21-22% each year. Last year
there were 136,422 tons of recycled fiber in the 638,423 tons of
newsprint purchased by the respondents. We include all deinked fiber as
recycled content but exclude mill broke and other blank paper not
requiring deinking. A small percentage of the recycled content is not old
newsprint, since at least one major Texas newsprint mill accepts old
newspapers mixed with magazines and junk mail.