[GRRN] Recycled paper statistics

John Lavery (mgpn@mb.sympatico.ca)
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 14:56:36 -0500

Hi, I am putting together some material about office paper use, and
would like to be able to add some statistics. Does anyone have stats
that demonstrate the environmental impacts of switching from virgin to
recycled paper? For example if an office is using 1000 reams (packs of
500 81/2 X 11 sheets) of virgin paper each year, and they were to switch
to using 30% post consumer recycled paper, what would be the
environmental savings with respect to trees used, energy consumed, etc.
If anyone has these stats, they would be greatly appreciated. (of
course I will also be talking about recycling paper in the office and
ways to reduce paper use as well)


John Lavery
Manitoba Green Procurement Network Inc.
c/o NA325 Environmental Protection
Health Sciences Centre
820 Sherbrook Street
Winnipeg, MB R3A 1R9

(204) 787-2767 (phone) (204) 787-4854 (fax) (204) 793-4016 (cell - the best way to reach me!) mgpn@mb.sympatico.ca