[GRRN] Newswire

Gary Liss (gary@garyliss.com)
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 12:19:25

Please let me know if you already receive this or do NOT want me to forward
it to you in the future.

I haven't been able to write about NRC Board activities recently, so I hope
you enjoy getting this as much as I'm thrilled NRC is doing this now. NRC
included a number of things in their budget for this year to improve
electronic communications with members, and this is one great example of
that. Similarly, if you haven't had a chance to see NRC's websites


check them out - there's a whole lot going on...

I hope to see you in Cincinatti (September 26-29) for the National
Recycling Congress! Remember,


for lower registration rates.

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
NOTE: My new email address: <gary@garyliss.com> all lower case (please
update your address books and group listings for me)
>From: "Deb Flavin" <DebF@NRC-Recycle.org>
>Organization: National Recycling Coalition (NRC)
>NRC Newswire
>July 1999
>Volume 1, Issue 2
>Welcome to the second issue of the NRC Newswire. The Newswire=20
>is a free, monthly service of the National Recycling Coalition=20
>providing articles for inclusion in newsletters published by state and=20
>regional recycling organizations. You may use any of the articles in=20
>the NRC Newswire without further permission.
>If you prefer to download copies of the Newswire as a Microsoft=20
>Word or plain text file, please visit the NRC web site, www.nrc-
>recycle.org, and click on "Newswire."
>We'd like to send the NRC Newswire directly to the editors of=20
>newsletters produced by state and regional recycling=20
>organizations. Please provide the email address of your newsletter=20
>editor to us by sending a message to newswire@nrc-recycle.org.
>To help us make this service as useful as possible, please let us=20
>know if you plan to reprint any of the articles by sending a short=20
>message to newswire@nrc-recycle.org. You can also send any=20
>questions or comments to the same address.
>Thanks for using the NRC Newswire!
>In this issue:
>1) Inside the NRC: Members Set Direction through Board Election
>2) Not Ready for the New Millennium? The NRC Annual Congress=20
>& Exposition Can Help.
>3) In the Loop (short informational items)
>INSIDE THE NRC: Members Set Direction through Board Election
>By William Ferretti, NRC Executive Director
>Have you ever wondered who determines:
>--NRC=92s strategic direction
>--NRC=92s positions on policy issues
>--How the NRC=92s programs and services will be financed?
>Would you like to have a direct impact on how these decisions are=20
>made? If so, one major opportunity is coming in September when=20
>NRC members will elect a new board of directors.
>The NRC board of directors determines the direction and focus of=20
>the NRC, and you, by casting your vote, determine the makeup of=20
>the board. The individuals you elect to the NRC board are entrusted=20
>to make sure the NRC is a healthy, viable organization that meets=20
>the needs of its members. This is a weighty responsibility that is=20
>not taken lightly by those who serve.
>Every year, those of you who are NRC members have the=20
>opportunity to elect from the membership people who you believe=20
>will be good trustees of your coalition. In early August, all NRC=20
>members in good standing will receive the 1999-2000 slate of=20
>candidates and a proxy form to elect ten candidates
>to the board. Those elected will join nine other board members=20
>whose terms expire in September 2000 or in September 2001. I=20
>encourage you to complete and mail in your ballot or present it in=20
>person at the Annual Membership Meeting during the NRC=20
>Congress & Exposition on Tuesday, September 28 from
>9:00 - 10:30 at the Cincinnati Convention Center.
>Candidates for the NRC board are your colleagues--NRC members=20
>who are committed to contributing their time, skills, and attention=20
>to the care of the Coalition. The candidate slate for 1999-2000,=20
>included below, includes everyone who was nominated.
>Paul R. Baldridge
>Deputy Chief
>Division of Recycling & Litter Prevention
>Ohio Department of Natural Resources (Ohio)
>Bernard Brill
>Executive Director
>Council for Textile Recycling (Maryland)
>Chris Cloutier
>Business Assistance Coordinator
>Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance (Minnesota)
>Laura M. Dellinger
>Novel Image Services (South Dakota)
>Terry Gilman
>Solid Waste District Coordinator
>Southwest Missouri Solid Waste District (Missouri)
>Lori Gummow
>Executive Director
>Winnebago/Rockford Clean + Beautiful (Illinois)
>Meg Morris
>Project Manager
>EAC Operations, Inc. (New York)
>Donna Parrish
>Analyst =96 Environmental Management
>BellSouth (Tennessee)
>Pete Pasterz
>Manager, Recycling and Refuse
>Michigan State University (Michigan)
>Kenneth Seeney
>Assistant for Planning and Public Affairs
>Missouri Environmental Improvement and
> Energy Resources Authority (Missouri)
>Heidi Jo Wayco
>Recycling Coordinator
>Resource Recovery & Recycling Authority of SW Oakland County=20
>I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to have a say in the=20
>future of the NRC. Watch for your packet in the mail and vote!
>Regardless of your level of experience or expertise, the 1999 NRC=20
>Annual Congress & Exposition will help you prepare for the new=20
>millennium. During the Congress educational sessions, you can=20
>explore the challenges ahead and pick up =93nuts and bolts=94 you'll=20
>need to succeed in the 21st century.
>>From tracks on cutting-edge, "Emerging Issues" to fundamentals=20
>like "Program Design and Economics," the Congress program will=20
>help you integrate recycling programs with other environmental=20
>initiatives like global climate change, while also providing the latest=20
>in material recovery facility designs. You can also discover how=20
>businesses can reduce waste generation and implement=20
>sustainable business practices as part of the "Commercial and
>Institutional Recycling" track.
>In the "Material Markets and Issues" and "Buy Recycled Program=20
>Design" tracks, you can meet experts who will share the latest=20
>trends in market development, buy recycled programs, and public=20
>education and outreach. This year=92s expanded "Source Reduction"=20
>track covers new ground in electronics design and recovery, as well=20
>as the latest in measuring source reduction and purchasing=20
>environmentally preferable products. Finally, in the "Professional=20
>and Organizational Development" track, you can further develop
>your professional skills and learn how to build strong recycling=20
>advocacy organizations at the local and state levels.
>Get ready for the Year 2000 and plan to attend the NRC's 18th=20
>Annual Congress & Exposition in Cincinnati, Ohio on September=20
>27-29, 1999. Plan to =93Make the Triple Play: Reduce, Reuse, and=20
>Recycle=94 by calling (703) 683-9025, ext. 401 or visiting the NRC=20
>web site at www.nrc-recycle.org.
>--America Recycles Day is November 15. Visit=20
>www.americarecyclesday.org for lots of resources to help you plan=20
>and celebrate this important day.
>--The Nebraska State Recycling Association (NSRA) has compiled=20
>survey results from 46 state and regional recycling organizations,=20
>including contact information, membership profiles, publications,=20
>and current projects. For more information, contact NSRA at (402)=20
>*** End of July 1999 NRC Newswire ***