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Subject: [Fwd: Activists Appeal Livermore Lab Permit + action alert]
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From: "Stella M.Paton" <smpaton@igc.apc.org>
Subject: Activists Appeal Livermore Lab Permit + action alert
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>Return-Path: <marylia@earthlink.net>
>Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 11:00:20 -0700 (PDT)
>X-Sender: marylia@earthlink.net (Unverified)
>To: marylia@earthlink.net
>From: marylia@earthlink.net (marylia)
>Subject: Activists Appeal Livermore Lab Permit + action alert
>Note the address of the govenor's office, and the request for you to write
>a very needed, short letter in support of our appeal follow the text of
>this local news story. Thanks. Peace, Marylia
>(from the TRI-VALLEY HERALD web site at herald-ang.com)
>Activists appeal lab's waste permit
>Saturday July 03, 1999
>By Glenn Roberts Jr.
>A Livermore-based watchdog group has appealed to a state regulatory agency
>in an effort to block a permit allowing a $32 million hazardous waste
>treatment facility at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
>Physicians for Social Responsibility's San Francisco chapter also supports
>the appeal.
>Marylia Kelley, director of Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive
>Environment, said that she hopes the appeal will spur the state Department
>of Toxic Substances Control to conduct a more thorough environmental
>She said the environmental report should provide an "in-depth analysis" of
>all hazardous waste operations at the lab -- to help protect the community,
>the lab's workers and the environment.
>There should be more public involvement in the process, she added.
>The state department approved the permit allowing treatment of a variety of
>hazardous materials, including some waste with low levels of radioactivity.
>The 10-year operating permit won't let the lab generate more waste.
>Some waste operations in other areas of the lab will be consolidated if the
>permit is issued. The permit also will allow an existing lab building to be
>used for the storage of hazardous and "mixed waste," which includes
>low-level radioactive waste. Portions of another building would be used as
>a temporary waste storage area.
>"We are not convinced that the treatments are the most benign possible,"
>Kelley said. The appeal will give the state another chance to change the
>way the lab handles waste, she added.
>Michael Veiluva, a Walnut Creek lawyer representing Tri-Valley CAREs, said
>the study prepared by the toxic substances department for the lab facility
>is "the slimmest environmental document that the law allows."
>Ideally, the agency will reverse its decision and hold a public review;
>otherwise, the group may sue, he said.
>Kelley said several accidents at the lab within the past three years
>highlight the dangers of handling hazardous waste. The problems may
>continue with the new plant unless a more thorough review is conducted, she
>Ron Baker, a spokesman for the Department of Toxic Substances Control, said
>the deputy director for the department will consider the appeal and
>determine whether to issue the permit.
>end of article
>ALERT: Please write a short note to Governor Gray Davis asking that the
>state of California Dept. of Toxic Substances Control grant the appeal and
>conduct an Environmental Impact Report. Write to: Governor Gray Davis,
>Attn: Lynn Schenk, Chief of Staff, State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA
>95814. Thank you.
>++ Please note that my email address has changed to <marylia@earthlink.net>
>on 3/1/99 ++
>Marylia Kelley
>Tri-Valley CAREs
>(Communities Against a Radioactive Environment)
>2582 Old First Street
>Livermore, CA USA 94550
><http://www.igc.org/tvc/> - is our web site, please visit us there!
>Our web site will remain at this location. Only my email address has
>changed on 3/1/99.
>(925) 443-7148 - is our phone
>(925) 443-0177 - is our fax
>Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley
>CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear
>Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the
>international Abolition 2000 network for the elimination of nuclear
Stella M. Paton