By Eric Pianin and Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, June 14, 1999; Page A19
Eco-friendly Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.) is furious that House
GOP leaders allowed his amendment requiring congressional
offices to recycle to be struck on a technicality Thursday
night. Farr was hoping to force his colleagues to separate
aluminum cans, bottles and paper from regular trash, but
House Administration Committee member Robert W. Ney (R-
Ohio) successfully struck Farr's amendment to the $1.9 billion
legislative branch spending bill on procedural grounds. "They
could have waived it through as they did on 38 other
technicalities," Farr said. "But no! . . . How amazing that even
congressional rubbish has become a political partisan issue!"
[NOTE: The amendment language still lives in House Res.
146. Cosponsors are needed, as are letters of concern to
representatives. Stay tuned to this space for an action alert,
or contact the GrassRoots Recycling Network to be placed
on a special alert list for this issue.]
Bill Sheehan
Network Coordinator
GrassRoots Recycling Network
Tel: 706-613-7121
Fax: 706-613-7123