[GRRN] PA subsidizes "cleacutting for kids"

David Wood (dwood@ssc.wisc.edu)
Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:23:26 -0500

Today's lesson children -- subsidies take many forms.

Sender: owner-americanlands-list@igc.org
Subject: LANDSCOPE: PA Bureau of Forestry Promotes Clearcutting in
Children's Book
To: americanlands-list@igc.org
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Subject: PA Bureau of Forestry Promotes Clearcutting in Children's Book

In an effort to promote clearcutting, the Pennsylvania Bureau of
Forestry is releasing a taxpayer funded children's book entitled, "Let's
Talk About Clearcutting - A Forestry Book For Youth." The book tries to
convince the unwary child that there is nothing wrong with
clearcutting. The book fails to mention the potential long-term
problems of even-aged artificial "forests" created by clearcutting,
erosion, invasive species and predation problems caused by logging
roads, the inability of wildlife to successfully move from clearcut
areas because of their territorial nature, or the simple fact that
forests evolved for millions of years without logging. The book
closes: "So you see . . when clearcutting is done in the right place,
in the right way, and at the right time, it can be good for people, good
for wildlife, and good for the forest." To view a copy of the book
online visit http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/forestry/Clearcut/main.htm

. . . This shameful production is "education" at its worst.
Unfortunately, many forestry departments refuse to accept the
overwhelming scientific evidence against clearcutting from wildlife
biologists, hydrologists, and ecologists. To let the PA Bureau of
Forestry know what you think of this book visit

David Wood
Senior Associate
Center on Wisconsin Strategy
1180 Observatory Drive, Rm. 7122
Madison WI 53706