[GRRN] PAYT Workshop

Mon, 24 May 1999 13:45:51 -0700

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Pay-As-You-Throw Workshop

Creating Incentives to Reduce Waste:
Implementing Pay-As-You-Throw
in Northern California

A Practical Workshop for Local Government Officials,
City Council Members, and Haulers

June 29, 1999
10:00 am to 4:30 pm
(includes lunch)
at the City of Woodland Council Chambers in Woodland, CA

Presented by:
Global Futures Foundation
United States Environmental Protection Agency
City of Woodland

Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) (also known as unit-based pricing, or variable
rates) is a municipal solid waste management system under which
residents pay for municipal waste management services per unit of waste=

collected rather than through a fixed fee or general funds.

Many communities in California and across the country have already
adopted PAYT
programs. Studies indicate that these communities achieve significant
reductions in waste landfilled and increases in recycling. They are
that PAYT:

=B7 provides a direct economic incentive to reduce the amount of waste
=B7 promotes recycling and composting
=B7 increases awareness of environmental issues, and
=B7 improves the overall effectiveness of waste management systems.

Looking for new ways to meet the AB 939 goal for 2000? If your communit=
is considering PAYT or is just implementing PAYT, this workshop can hel=
identify why and how to go about developing a PAYT program that really
works to promote residential waste reduction and fits your community=

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Our panel of experts is involved in all aspects of PAYT planning and
implementation. Brief presentations and plenty of time for questions an=
answers will help you learn what you really need to know to effectively=

implement Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT):

=B7 How to gain acceptance for PAYT among politicians and community
=B7 Implications of Proposition 218 on solid waste fees
=B7 Program design: container types, automated collection, overcoming
potential problems
=B7 Rate setting, and the political realities of setting rates that cre=
incentives to reduce
=B7 Measuring program success

Agenda & Panelists

9:30-10 Registration

10-10:15 Welcome and Introductions

10:15-11:30 What is PAYT? How does it work?
Lynn Scarlett, Reason Foundation
Lisa Skumatz, Skumatz Economic
Research Associates

11:30-noon Q & A

Noon-1 Lunch (provided)

1-2:15 Case Studies: Implementing PAYT
in Northern California

PAYT in Sacramento County: Dan
Regan, Sacramento County
Recycling Coordinator

PAYT in a Smaller Community:
Katherine Holmes, City of Manteca
Resource Conservation Coordinator

Experience with PAYT in Contra
Costa County: Janet Schneider,
Executive Director, Central Costa
County Solid Waste Authority.

PAYT from a Haulers Perspective: TBA

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-3:00 Rate Setting and Measurement of PAYT
Lisa Skumatz and Lynn Scarlett

3:00-4:00 Roundtable Discussion
(all panelists)
Practical Experience with
Rate Setting and Measurement

4:00-4:30 Summary and Follow up Q & A

Moderator: Wendy Pratt,
Global Futures Foundation

Time & Location

The workshop will take place Tuesday, June 29, 1999 from 10 am to 4:30
at the City of Woodland Council Chambers, 300 First Street, in Woodland=
CA. (Woodland is about 15 miles north of Sacramento off of I-5,
will be faxed to all registrants). Lunch is included in the $20 worksho=

This workshop is made possible through funding from the United States
Environmental Protection Agency Region 9.

For more information, contact Wendy Pratt at Global Futures Foundation:=

916-486-5999. You may sign up below by completing the information and
returning to wbpratt@aol.com.

Name: _______________________________
Affiliation: _______________________________
Address: _______________________________
City: _______________________________
State/Prov: _______________________________
ZIP/Postal Code:___________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Fax: _______________________________
Email: _______________________________

_____ Payment due at workshop
_____ mail a check for $20 to GFF, 801 Crocker Road, Sacramento, CA 958=

