I am looking for the lastest national data on how much is spent on solid
waste management. In the past, I have seen charts that put the number
(if I remember correctly) somewhere around $36 billion, with about 1/3
being revenues from publicly owned firms, 1/3 from local privately held
firms and 1/3 being municipal expenditures.
Does anyone have some recent data or know where I can find it?
Our state is looking at alternatives for providing state funding for
recycling programs and one of the alternatives is to extend the sales tax
to solid waste collection and disposal (exempting waste reduction,
reuse and recycling), so we are trying to get an idea of what might be
the revenue generated by this approach.
Thanks much,
John Reindl, Recycling Manager
Dane County, WI
(608)267-1533 - fax
(608)267-8815 - phone