I've seen it happen at my office; it probably happens elsewhere too.
John Reindl
Dane County, WI
> With regard to John Hendren's query asking for alternatives to
> Tyvek for a mailing package for a heavy report that he says breaks
> paper envelops, New York State's Tom Kacandes said that since Tyvek
> as an envelop -- NOT as a magazine insert -- doesn't hurt existing
> recycling systems, the reluctance to use it shouldn't be a concern.
> On the other hand, I know from my incoming mail that a significant
> number of firms use Tyvek routinely as their 9x12 envelop, even for
> material that could be mailed without risk in kraft envelops. This,
> obviously, is overkill.
> But, for uses such as John propounds where greater strength is
> needed, Tyvek may make sense. One further matter to consider is
> that a major reclaimer, EnviroPlastic is recycling used milk jugs
> into Tyvek.
> Unless there's some other material for heavy duty envelop use that
> has a smaller environmental footprint, Tom's criteria seems to make
> sense.
> Peter
> ____________________________________
> Peter Anderson
> RecycleWorlds Consulting
> 4513 Vernon Blvd. Ste. 15
> Madison, WI 53705-4964
> Phone:(608) 231-1100/Fax: (608) 233-0011
> E-mail:recycle@msn.fullfeed.com
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> GreenYes is archived on the GrassRoots Recycling
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