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Resent-Date:Tue, 23 Mar 1999 16:07:15 -0800
From: Marti Matsch <marti@ecocycle.org>
To: greenyes@earthsystems.org
Resent-From: greenyes@earthsystems.org
Resent-Sender: greenyes-request@earthsystems.org
Resent-To: multiple recipients of <greenyes@earthsystems.org>
Hi. Does anyone have information on calculating resources saved through
recycling? (Trees saved, energy saved, water saved, etc.) What I really
need are references for these calculations.
Sam Cole, Eco-Cycle
recycle@ecocycle.org or
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GreenYes is archived on the GrassRoots Recycling
Network web site: http://www.grrn.org